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Forums - Sales Discussion - Its over for the 360

ssj12 said:

the PS3 has currently sold 60% of the number of 360s that have been sold to customersat current LTD totals.

And the PS3 has been out for 57% as long as the 360.  By that trend, the PS3 will never catch up before the generation ends.

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dbot said:
rocketpig said:
dbot said:
I don't think MS can afford a price cut in the US. MS has publicly stated that shortages are impacting their sales. A price cut anytime soon would seem to contradict the shortages argument.

Not now but a few weeks before GTA IV. I'm sure they will have things sorted out by then.

I think you miss the point. You don't cut the price of a product if it is selling well but you have manufacturing issues. If they resolve the manufacturing issue in March, how can they possibly justify a price cut in April? Why would a price cut be needed.

Because the shortage is from them underestimating demand or screwing up in some other fashion, not because their 100% manufacturing capacity has been met.

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It is not over for 360 it just doesnt look good. The only thing i think that will kill 360 is if

- PSN becomes better
- MGS4 or FF13 picks up sales in Japan
- GTA 5 becomes PS3 exclusive

Other than that i reckon 360 has got another year or 2 left in it

Whoa, what shitstorm. I'm surprised to see a mod starting a thread like this.

The PS3 is currently seeing quite a large boost from HD-DVD dying, as the people who were interested in HD, but not interested in owning the next Betamax, are buying the cheapest available Blu-ray player. This will probably have a lasting effect on PS3 sales, which will go down over time as better and cheaper dedicated BR players become available.

The PS3 definitely has a strong advantage right now, but MS hasn't played nearly as many of their cards as Sony. It's far from over, and already closer than anyone ever expected a few years ago.

Parokki said:
Whoa, what shitstorm. I'm surprised to see a mod starting a thread like this.

The PS3 is currently seeing quite a large boost from HD-DVD dying, as the people who were interested in HD, but not interested in owning the next Betamax, are buying the cheapest available Blu-ray player. This will probably have a lasting effect on PS3 sales, which will go down over time as better and cheaper dedicated BR players become available.

The PS3 definitely has a strong advantage right now, but MS hasn't played nearly as many of their cards as Sony. It's far from over, and already closer than anyone ever expected a few years ago.
I don't know about that.  Obviously Sony has ridden its price cuts very hard, while MS's horse is still pretty fresh in that race.  But MS on the other hand pushed out its best year in games in 2007.  There will be nothing like Halo 3 for the rest of the 360's life.  Make no mistake, the 360 has a great year coming in 2008 as far as games go but Sony has not come anywhere close to exhausting themselves on that side of things.  Both companies have spent a lot (too much) of their efforts on hardware revision:  Sony on cost-cutting efforts and MS on ... well, you know. 

In short, both companies have expended a great deal of energy already and both have quite a few tricks left up their sleeves.  Sony has probably blown through its reserves faster, but it had more reserves to blow through.  And some of the perception that they have little left to give is just the fact that their flailing was more obviously inept than MS's. 

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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 

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shams said:
roadkillers said:
I love how people forget that the PS3 hasnt released any of its big games. Sure they released minor new IP's like Uncharted, Resistence, Heavenly Sword, and many others. They have yet to release FFXIII, FFVersus, MGS4, God of War 3, GT5, Killzone 2, and many others.

oh, here we go again...

So R&C, Uncharted,  GT: Prologue, Gundam, Dynasty Warriors, SingStar, Madden, Motorstorm, Resistance, Everybodys Golf, Fifa, PES, CoD, Devil May Cry are not big titles? Minor IPs?

Except for FF & GT, most of their big Japanese IPs have been released. Even MGS doesn't get close to sales of EG, Dynasty Warriors (in the past anyway).


At least for MS, I can honestly say that the big titles coming to their system are PUBLISHED by them - and primarily owned by them. Where would the PS3 be without SquareEnix support and Konami support?

Take away 3rd-party support, and MS's lineup beats Sony's this year 10x over. 

thats the stupiest thing i have ever heard,

resistance 2, Killzone 2, White knight story, 8 Days, the New Twisted Metal, Little big Planet, GT5, Infamus, Socom online, Motorstorm 2, MLB 09, Hot shots golf etc......

Your telling me halo wars, Alan wake are better then those????...... Stop please.... i no im missing some but sony 1st party KILLS microsoft and always has for the last 7 years

Ill wiat one more week

i find that "supply issue" for the 360 getting to be a bit ridiculous and a poor excuse for less sales, any1 agree?

if the ps3 outsells the 360 for february then you cant say it was supply issues.

Zassk said:

ssj12 said:

the PS3 has currently sold 60% of the number of 360s that have been sold to customersat current LTD totals.

And the PS3 has been out for 57% as long as the 360.  By that trend, the PS3 will never catch up before the generation ends.

What in the world are you saying? What trend?


 2008 end of year predictions:

PS3: 22M

360: 25M

wii: 40M

def. not dead, but def. in trouble of falling to 3rd. There are price drops in store, but of course there will be price drops of the PS3 as well. This is will get interesting.