I do not say that Microsoft wont lower their price someday, but why should they rush to it before sommer? Isn't better to come out after sommer and do the price cut? The reason for this is that I have problem to see why Microsoft whould do as high price cut as 100 USD. They still need to regain some of the money the lost during the old generation. I think Microsoft will do a 50 USD price cut max after sommer to gain momentum before the holiday season (when people actuly buy some consols). Nintendo will most probarbly do the same, but I think they will do it anyway, because I belive that 250 USD was only in place to gain some more money from the early adopters. But I do think that Nintendo might launch some new colors. A price drop to early for Microsoft will only lead to headlines like, Microsoft fears the competition is lowering the price and more like that. If they get any press at all. When I open ordinary Swedish newspapper all the press is more or less about the Wii and how cool it is. Even if sony is manufacturing most of their part themselves I do not see the economical space to do a price cut as early as march. We are talking about a consol that is selling with a loss of roughly 200 USD in USA, in Japan even more. In europe they could mayby do a price drop (simple because it cost 900 USD here in Sweden, but WW no way) but I still think that they will wait for at least 6 months. If they sales will be totaly rubbish in EU then I could see a price drop earlier.

Buy it and pray to the gods of Sigs: Naznatips!