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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Tlou:R Any first time buyers?

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Did you buy Tlou:R

First time owner 35 20.96%
Planning to buy for first time 21 12.57%
Upgraded from ps3 (trade in) 19 11.38%
Double dipped (kept ps3 version) 26 15.57%
Planning to upgrade / double dip 18 10.78%
PS3 version is good enough 17 10.18%
Planning to buy for PS3, cheaper now! 3 1.80%
Still not interested 12 7.19%
Do not have ps3 or ps4 15 8.98%

I'm upgrading from the ps3.

Around the Network

i am a first time buyer, but sadly right now im busy with other games that i need to finish first, and when im done with those i will finally get this game.

Sold my PS3 version and for 6 euros more i upgraded to the PS4 version. I'm loving it. Have finished it already and i'm playing on Survivor Mode this time for the trophy, but man it's soo much harder.

binary solo said:
Congratulations on the poll construction, there is an option for everyone which means everyone will be able to vote and see the results.

In terms of my answer, I have the PS3 version incl left behind and that will do for me.
kitler53 said:
i bought it on ps3 but never played it. so second time purchaser first time player if that counts.

There is always one that manages to find a loophole!

So far out of those who bought / will buy TLou:
  39%  First time buyers on ps4 or planning to buy
  48%  Upgrades / double dips / planning to
  13%  Sticking with ps3 version

Seems it has a solid reason to exist.
Sure this is a video game forum so not very representative of the market, I would expect a higher ratio of first time buyers outside this forum.