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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Can the PS3 still catch up with the Wii?

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Who wins in the end?

Wii 314 73.19%
PS3 114 26.57%

Even if the ps3 miraculously catches up in 7 years time, Wii "won" when both consoles were relevant and thats all that really matters.

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I would say PS3 has a good chance due to its longevity. Price cuts and continued presence in emerging markets may just allow it to someday pass the Wii.

Yeah, should be possible but it depends on whether is willing to drop the price - it is still way too expensive for developing countries.

No PS3 won't even hit `100 million. It's possible for it to hit 90 million though

Let's see it get to 90m first.

If it ever happens, it'll likely be around the time PS5 comes out.
On a side note - no, I don't believe it ever will.

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I hate to be "that guy" but the PS3 will not pass Wii sells. The PS3 has sold about 83 million but that includes the different revisions of the PS3 which there were a few (hard drives and aesthetic changes). Also don't forget about the failed PS3's that needed to be replaced (not as bad as Xbox360 though). The Wii has only had one revision that I know of and that is the Wii mini. PS3 sells will continue to fall and by next year it will be lucky to sell even 2 million more consoles. PS3 will top out under 90 million. Oh and the Wii will never get to 105 million even with the Wii Mini revision. All my opinion of course.  

iamserious said:

I hate to be "that guy" but the PS3 will not pass Wii sells. The PS3 has sold about 83 million but that includes the different revisions of the PS3 which there were a few (hard drives and aesthetic changes). Also don't forget about the failed PS3's that needed to be replaced (not as bad as Xbox360 though). The Wii has only had one revision that I know of and that is the Wii mini. PS3 sells will continue to fall and by next year it will be lucky to sell even 2 million more consoles. PS3 will top out under 90 million. Oh and the Wii will never get to 105 million even with the Wii Mini revision. All my opinion of course.  

The difference? The PS3 is still more expensive now than the Wii ever was.

Last Gen belongs to Wii. END of story. No drama.

Selling 50k a week and it will continue going down I don't see it reaching 100m, I think 90m is the max it will reach

Nope. It will reach 90m but not 100m.


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