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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Can the PS3 still catch up with the Wii?

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Who wins in the end?

Wii 314 73.19%
PS3 114 26.57%

It can probably beat the wii, I mean its still quite expensive around 270 dollars so by the time a price reduction comes it will sell alot and unlike the wii it still has some life in it.

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BraLoD said:
Leadified said:

I must be misreading your post. I can't see how the Wii could push out 4M more, it debatable if it can even push 1 million more.

Well if not, it's a little easier to PS3 reach it then

Well if we're on the topic, I'll reply to your other post here too. I think you're a bit too generous with your numbers. In 2013 the 360 pushed 6.4 M units so the PS3 would more or less have to follow the same trend the 360 did last year. As of now that does not seem to be the case, with rough calculations the PS3 (2014) is at 1.7 M and the 360 (2013) is at 2.8 M, so unless the PS3 manages to have a stellar holiday season it will fall below 6 M.

I don't see how the PS3 could also survive another 5 years, that seems to be pushing it. 2015 will probably see the last bits of major support with maybe a few lingering ones in 2016 but after that the console will probably only be home to small budget devs, which I question a little considering that the PS4 is a much more friendly platform for those type of games. Even in developing markets which historically helped the PS2, I think the PS4 will once again steal the spotlight from the PS3. It's not that much more expensive than the PS3 (well except for some places...), has a bright future and is relatively cheap to produce compared to the PS3 and it's Cell.

tl;dr version the PS4 is the PS3's worst enemy in this situation.

For the last time: it's not going to happen!

I predict NX launches in 2017 - not 2016

Can't see it happening. I'd guess 90m LT for the PS3, 95m if a big price cut can keep it relevant for long enough.

It really does show you how important legs can me though. The Wii went from absolute domination to ending up with the smallest 1st place home console lead in decades (and still shrinking).

Ka-pi96 said:
bigtakilla said:
I guess the point would be as of this point in time, is the PS3 really that profitable? I'm guessing not really so even if it does pass the Wii, it won't make Playstation 3 more profitable than the Wii was to Nintendo. The Wii sold most in its first couple of years at full price. People are probably getting PS3s for next to nothing.

Doesn't really matter how much the console is making though. As long as the games continue to sell Sony will make profits from the platform royalties. Still probably won't match the Wii but it will certainly help.

True enough, but we're talking drops in a bucket being most games bought will probably be used. I did it for PS3 when I got mine two years ago. Get the system cheap, get all the games used and you get a massive library for next to nothing (nevermind about downloadable games, all I'm gonna say if you trade user names and passwords). As I said, will it get some profit? Sure, but drops in a bucket. Or more realistically it's like drops in an ocean.

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BraLoD said:
Mr.Playstation said:
It can probably beat the wii, I mean its still quite expensive around 270 dollars so by the time a price reduction comes it will sell alot and unlike the wii it still has some life in it.

That's the point, as soon as he becomes more viable to people it will keep selling decently for some years, not to say it still have support from Sony and online multiplay is free, so it's a lot cheaper than jumping to the PS4 yet.

Hopefully though they keep that support I have a feeling that somehow they will end support for it at a much quicker pace then the ps2, due to the popularity of the ps4 now then when the ps3 was its age.

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I've said for a long time PS3 would but it seems less likely by the day.

It depends on a lot of things now..
- When it will be discontinued (obviously)
- How many more exclusives its going to get
- How long the 360 remains on the market
- If its going to get any sales from China
- How much more they can cut the price

I'm still going to stick with my prediction though and say it will.

PS2 sold 55 million during the PS3's life. Granted, the PS2 was a monster, but it's not too far fetched to believe the PS3 can sell 20 million during the PS4's life to hit 100 million.

BraLoD said:

Very true. I'm kinda generous
But I do see the PS3 selling a lot more than what the numbers show now, maybe not Wii like numbers indeed... but maybe yes.

Oh no worries, I like generous people. You wouldn't mind donating to my PS4 fund now would you?

Last year I thought it had a chance but with the decrease this year I can't see it anymore. Indeed, little markets which took its time for upgrading will help (south american and asian countries) but I'm seeing 95m being really optimistic.

Edit: The last guardian, are you serious dewd?:P