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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Will SSB outsell MK8? Will Amiibos work?

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Experimental42 said:
WiiU-Dude said:

The problem is always getting people to understand the product and how it works. NFC and the gamepad are going to take time to understand it - I guarantee it.

I'm pretty sure Nintendo did an amazing job of explaining it in the two times I've seen them promote it. You just sit it on the game pad. Success lol.

I agree to its apparent simplicity and kids will get it, but adults likely won't and they may not need to as long as kids do, I guess i meant more all its potential or at least how Nintendo sees its my bemoaning Nintendo's ability to express all the cool and wonderful benefits to their system, backwards capabilities and most of all why the gamepad rocks!

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sundin13 said:

Theres still a ton of unanswered questions, like (as someone else pointed out), what other games will be able to use the more niche amiibo like Wii Fit Trainer

Well they made is cound like an amiibo doesn't actually have to be a character in a game to provide benefits. For example a third party developer could make a Monster Rancher type game that gives you a character with special abilities based on what games you've recorded amiibo data on and what kind of data you have.

For example a level 20+ Wii Fit Trainer could give you a thinner version of a a character that's more agile.

The limits of the amiibo are really up to the imagination of the developers.

Smash Bros for Wii U will sell 7 million versus 12.5 million of Mario Kart 8.

Most surely, for my the smash franchise has a bigger appeal than MK

estebxx said:

I love that sig pic and your avatar guy.

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lukibrasil said:
lukibrasil said:
benji232 said:
I'm sure Nintendo won't release a broken product :P.

Jokes aside, I think that Amiibo has huge potential. I think it really could be one of the biggest system sellers wiiU will see in it's lifecycle.

then sony and microsoft will copy like they always do..... Nintendo tries to be different and when it works, people steal the ideas

the amiibo I mean

Because skylanders and disney infinity don't exist in the scenario, I guess.

The main advantage that amiibo has over skylanders is that it can be used for many different franchises, it is being aimed at all wii u and 3ds owners rather than just fans of one franchise.

Smash sales will be more front loaded, but MK8 will definitely sell more throughout the entire generation.

advertise as a multi game usable figure that is easy to use


(Won)Bet with TechoHobbit: He(Techno) says 10 million by January 1,2014 I say 9 million by then. Winner gets 2 weeks of sig control.

(Lost)Bet with kinisking: I say Ps4 will win April NPD while he says Xbox One will win it; winner gets 1 week of avatar control.

Raichu's First Series:

First RPG?

First Fighter?

First Racer?

First Shooter?

First MMO?

First Horror?

Official Ni No Kuni Fanboy:

Familiars Captured:37

Game Beaten: 2 times almost

Times I got teary during some scenes: 3

I'm not sure about this. The Wii U will have sales comparable to the GameCube, where Smash outsold Kart. But Kart outsold Smash on the Wii. And now there's a 3DS version. It will be close.

NNID: garretslarrity

Steam: garretslarrity