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antfromtashkent said:
kingofwale said:
Now, I said in the original thread (when Phil made those comments about Wii in GDC) that I like the fact he can speak his mind even though I don't agree with him

NOw I take my comment back.

I don't respect him at all. those old comments of him were obviously politically driven. Sorry Phil, good knowing ya, you could've left with better attitude.

i agree 110%, those coments made me abset with sony while it was just him all alone.


What is to be upset about? He spoke his mind out. He was trying to get Sony to jump on the casual-gaming bandwagon long before the Wii came about (with the PS Eye, SingStar, etc.), yet Sony didn't believe it had any legs. So I'm guessing Phil just had enough with it, spoke his mind out (while knowing that he was leaving), and just left. There really isn't anything to be upset about. In fact, the people you should have been upset about would be the heads at Sony.....if it wasn't for them, the PS3 would be where the Wii is right now. 

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I am a name is hard is that? (Don't ask about the 101...apparantely there are more of me out there....)

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=/ It was one of the only persons at Sony who knows what he was talking about..

pakidan101 said:
antfromtashkent said:
kingofwale said:
Now, I said in the original thread (when Phil made those comments about Wii in GDC) that I like the fact he can speak his mind even though I don't agree with him

NOw I take my comment back.

I don't respect him at all. those old comments of him were obviously politically driven. Sorry Phil, good knowing ya, you could've left with better attitude.

i agree 110%, those coments made me abset with sony while it was just him all alone.


What is to be upset about? He spoke his mind out. He was trying to get Sony to jump on the casual-gaming bandwagon long before the Wii came about (with the PS Eye, SingStar, etc.), yet Sony didn't believe it had any legs. So I'm guessing Phil just had enough with it, spoke his mind out (while knowing that he was leaving), and just left. There really isn't anything to be upset about. In fact, the people you should have been upset about would be the heads at Sony.....if it wasn't for them, the PS3 would be where the Wii is right now. 

 he made those coments under one of the biggest spotlights in the gaming industry, he knew it was gonna get out

 i think it was partly to spite sony, and if ure gonna leave..... dont be d*** about it...

but if sony desided to get rid of him because of those coments... then the angle changes.... then there to blame

but neather u or i know what trully happend


Edit: dont get me wrong i really liked the guy...

Legend11 said:
To me he seemed to be the only talking head at Sony that was actually likable and had a clue.

 I disagree.. I don't think he was a talented PR guy.  Other things he was fine at though.

While regrettable, I don't see this as a hazard for Sony and I definately would not go as far as saying that he was the only sensible person working for Sony, nor will it be impossible or indeed very hard to find people eager and capable of filling his shoes. As a matter of fact, I think I'll be sending my application tomorrow morning.

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While it's possible SCEJ sacked Phil for critizing them I can't help but think his move to Atari was already in the works.

Phil is a huge supporter of casual games. Eye Toy, Buzz, Singstar were his ideas (correct me if I'm wrong here). He stated openly at GDC that that's not where Sony Japans mindset is, and yet he sees it as the growth market. So what does he do?

Goes to Atari. Why? Infograms is European. It's in bad enough shape that he can essentially 'take over' the place. Atari is still one of the best know video game brands to the mass market. Sure it's name is soured for gamers, but for everyone else, they still fondly remember Atari 2600s from their youth (and hopefully have forgotten all about ET).

This allows Phil to focus on where he sees the real potential, casual games with a brand with real casual appeal.

So the question is: Did he make those comments as a cheap shot before leaving? Or was his head no longer in the SCE game, do to frustration and exploring the possibilities with Atari, causing him to speak out of turn and get canned?


I wonder what will happen if he goes to nintendo.

I would say two things. First if the management at Sony pushed him out the door it is about time and way overdue. His past statements have been the butt of many jokes, and they haven't endeared the company in the eyes of many. You guys defending him spent far too much time defending him and his antics. You miss him because you forced yourself to like him. Yet he caused Sony more grief in the last year than any corporate executive has a right to.

The second thing is if he did bolt on his own accord. Either seeing the ax coming down the hallway at him, or decided there were more verdant pastures. Living to fight another day is a good motto to have, but looking for greener pastures doesn't pan out after you have become a perceived leper. To put it plainly bolting because you have no choice is a smart move. Bolting because you think too highly of yourself is not.

You might gather I haven't been impressed by this guys antics over the past year. His chronic foot in mouth disease, and stupid bogus claims. With executives like that who needs enemies. Your staff can do a bang up job alienating the masses on their own.

I wouldn't say this is bad for Sony, but its also not a good sign. Too many high profile vacancies isn't a good thing. During the interim of replacement there will be a void, and it will be interpreted as silence. You want logical, sound, and honest noise that is true. No noise however costs consumer confidence. You still need to match the volume.

Leaving Sony to join ATARI? WTF?

I liked phil, he also presented himself and Sony pretty good during interviews, but this recent event at GDC was pretty wrong. You can't go around and bash the people you work for.