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i always hated phil he is so arrogant

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!

bet with *no one yet* that the combined first week of Monster Hunter 3 in america and europe will be 600k or more! winner changes looser sig and avatar for two months!

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Has anyone thought that the reason Phil spoke what he believed in at GDC was because he knew it was going to be his last time representing Sony and so it wouldn't matter what he said.

I doubt Phil would have said those things unless he wanted to leave. I highly doubt it was the other way round and Sony fired him for saying those things.


Damn. Phil was the only guy that new what the hell he was doing. I wouldn't be surprised if SCEWWS went to pot after this. Phil was aggressive in buying and creating new studios, and he spurred creativity, which is why studios like Team ICO were allowed to do whatever the hell they wanted, regardless of meager sales, and why they signed a contract with Media Molecule to support their LittleBigPlanet endeavor.

Phil built SCEWWS from scratch, up to a level so high that they could even compete with Nintendo (in quantity, if not quality). This is truly a sad day. :(

koopatrooper said:
i always hated phil he is so arrogant

Phil is one of the least arrogant execs of any of the big three. Are you sure you're not getting him confused with Jack Tretton?

No wonder he said what he said about the wii. :)

Currently loving my Wii x2, Xbox 360 Pro & Xbox 360 Arcade, and Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children Limited "Cloud Black" 160GB PS3






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Dodece said:
I would say two things. First if the management at Sony pushed him out the door it is about time and way overdue. His past statements have been the butt of many jokes, and they haven't endeared the company in the eyes of many. You guys defending him spent far too much time defending him and his antics. You miss him because you forced yourself to like him. Yet he caused Sony more grief in the last year than any corporate executive has a right to.

The second thing is if he did bolt on his own accord. Either seeing the ax coming down the hallway at him, or decided there were more verdant pastures. Living to fight another day is a good motto to have, but looking for greener pastures doesn't pan out after you have become a perceived leper. To put it plainly bolting because you have no choice is a smart move. Bolting because you think too highly of yourself is not.

You might gather I haven't been impressed by this guys antics over the past year. His chronic foot in mouth disease, and stupid bogus claims. With executives like that who needs enemies. Your staff can do a bang up job alienating the masses on their own.

I wouldn't say this is bad for Sony, but its also not a good sign. Too many high profile vacancies isn't a good thing. During the interim of replacement there will be a void, and it will be interpreted as silence. You want logical, sound, and honest noise that is true. No noise however costs consumer confidence. You still need to match the volume.

 You sure you're not thinking of Jack Tretton or Kaz Hirai?  Kaz was the one spouting the "4D, 120fps" bs, and Jack was the one saying if you could find a ps3 anywhere in America, he'd give you $1200.

I'm sorry to see Phil Harrison leave Sony. I thought he was one of the most intelligent and respectable execs they had. Yes, he said some dumb things occasionally, but nothing like the laughable statemets coming out of Jack Tretton or Ken Kutaragi. His work with casual products like SingStar and the Eyetoy haven't gotten nearly the recognition they deserved.

I remember visiting Europe in 2005 and seeing an entire shelf of SingStar games in a store, thinking "wtf are these?!" They didn't exist in America at all, you see, and I had never heard of them before. Games like these did as much to sell the PS2 as the Gran Turismos and Grand Theft Autos of the world. Phil definitely seemed to get that fact, which Sony's Japanese execs genuinely still seem to be missing. His comments last week looked to be coming out of frustration, so my guess is that he chose to walk away from his position rather than continue to fight with the other Sony execs.

Although I'm one of the more critical on this site of the PS3's performance, I thought that Phil Harrison did a pretty good job over the past six months in improving its sales. Kutaragi gave him a very tough product to sell, and he did the best he could with it. The fact that two of the most important figures in Sony's gaming division (Harrison and Kutaragi) have left in the past 18 months speaks volumes about the struggles going on behind the scenes, IMO. I expect that when the story comes out 5-10 years down the road, it will be quite a tale.

Harrison will be missed at Sony. Kaz Hirai is talented, but he's not the right man for this job.

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End of 2008 totals: Wii 42m, 360 24m, PS3 18.5m (made Jan. 4, 2008)

makingmusic476 said:
Dodece said:
I would say two things. First if the management at Sony pushed him out the door it is about time and way overdue. His past statements have been the butt of many jokes, and they haven't endeared the company in the eyes of many. You guys defending him spent far too much time defending him and his antics. You miss him because you forced yourself to like him. Yet he caused Sony more grief in the last year than any corporate executive has a right to.

The second thing is if he did bolt on his own accord. Either seeing the ax coming down the hallway at him, or decided there were more verdant pastures. Living to fight another day is a good motto to have, but looking for greener pastures doesn't pan out after you have become a perceived leper. To put it plainly bolting because you have no choice is a smart move. Bolting because you think too highly of yourself is not.

You might gather I haven't been impressed by this guys antics over the past year. His chronic foot in mouth disease, and stupid bogus claims. With executives like that who needs enemies. Your staff can do a bang up job alienating the masses on their own.

I wouldn't say this is bad for Sony, but its also not a good sign. Too many high profile vacancies isn't a good thing. During the interim of replacement there will be a void, and it will be interpreted as silence. You want logical, sound, and honest noise that is true. No noise however costs consumer confidence. You still need to match the volume.

You sure you're not thinking of Jack Tretton or Kaz Hirai? Kaz was the one spouting the "4D, 120fps" bs, and Jack was the one saying if you could find a ps3 anywhere in America, he'd give you $1200.

 Ken not kaz

tanker said:
makingmusic476 said:
Dodece said:
I would say two things. First if the management at Sony pushed him out the door it is about time and way overdue. His past statements have been the butt of many jokes, and they haven't endeared the company in the eyes of many. You guys defending him spent far too much time defending him and his antics. You miss him because you forced yourself to like him. Yet he caused Sony more grief in the last year than any corporate executive has a right to.

The second thing is if he did bolt on his own accord. Either seeing the ax coming down the hallway at him, or decided there were more verdant pastures. Living to fight another day is a good motto to have, but looking for greener pastures doesn't pan out after you have become a perceived leper. To put it plainly bolting because you have no choice is a smart move. Bolting because you think too highly of yourself is not.

You might gather I haven't been impressed by this guys antics over the past year. His chronic foot in mouth disease, and stupid bogus claims. With executives like that who needs enemies. Your staff can do a bang up job alienating the masses on their own.

I wouldn't say this is bad for Sony, but its also not a good sign. Too many high profile vacancies isn't a good thing. During the interim of replacement there will be a void, and it will be interpreted as silence. You want logical, sound, and honest noise that is true. No noise however costs consumer confidence. You still need to match the volume.

You sure you're not thinking of Jack Tretton or Kaz Hirai? Kaz was the one spouting the "4D, 120fps" bs, and Jack was the one saying if you could find a ps3 anywhere in America, he'd give you $1200.

Ken not kaz

 I thought he was kicked out by then, but looking back I guess your right. :)

i found this (sorry if it was posted)
what do you think