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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - is Splatoon receiving more attention because its an exclusive Nintnedo shooter?

Nintendo making a new IP is interesting, they are taking the shooting genre to the opposite of what division shows, cel shading style, painting idea(so not really KILLING people), yet looks more fun than division which will probably get a lot of people disappointed like Watch_Dogs, Ubisoft hype their games a lot to make them sell, while Nintendon't.(Okay that's what caused some low sales on Wii U) but with Splatoon Nintendo prouve they can explore every genres and makes them interesting while staying in their spirit.

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Yeah, though the game does look fun. I'm mostly willing to overlook any suspicious reactions because of that.

Still, that's nothing compared to The Devil's Third. I've been shocked at the people saying this game looks good. Had it been a PS3/360 game, the reactions would have been different to an extreme degree. There is no doubt in my mind that some of the people saying it looks interesting now would be blasting it out the water if it weren't a Wii U exclusive. It's just so strange to watch. It's like if people suddenly started raving about Call of Juarez: The Cartel. It's surreal.

If I'm being honest with myself, then yes, it's because it's a Nintendo game that Splatoon is receiving such attention, or at least mine. Had it been, say, in Sunset Overdrive's position on the Xbox I don't think I would have been as excited for it.

But I believe part of it isn't so much biased in favor of Nintendo games overall (though that's still a factor), but that this game coming from them is intriguing for several other reasons. Nintendo has insane quality standards for their games, so I don't doubt this will be a solid game that's polished to near-perfection. It's also a new IP from Nintendo, which always seems to garner excitement, and a genre they really haven't attempted to any significant degree and the premise and gameplay looks fun and unique. Then there's the fact that it's the product of Miyamoto's proteges' work, so it's interesting to see what the new blood can come up with.

So yes, I would say it's getting the level of attention it is because it's a Nintendo game, but not entirely for shallow reasons.

It's a shooter with a Nintendo touch, of course it's going I get lots of attention. People often leave it to Nintendo to breath new life into an overused genre.

XBL/eShop/PSN game? Really? We've barely seen anything of it yet (1 level I think?), there's undoubtably going to be a lot more content in this game (SP is confirmed, so are more modes, etc.).

bananaking21 said:

while splatoon does look good, it doesnt look that good to be receiving all the praise and attention its been getting. Splatoon is no where near games like The Division in scale, depth or ambition, yet the amount of excitment (mostly on this forum) is surprising for a game like Spatloon. is it just because its a TPS from nintnedo? honestly it doesnt seem like all that, it seems more of a PSN/Eshop/XBL type of game, not that there is anything wrong with that.


if this game was an XB1 or PS4 game it would have been vastly overshowded by other bigger and more interesting games. at least thats my opinion. 

You nailed it right here, sir, "at least thats my opinion."

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Reason for Attention/Hype;
1) Is is developed by Nintendo. Nintendo makes really good multiplayer games.
2) It had the potential to be something new an interesting, as opposed to a sequel that feels the same, with better graphics.
3) Nintendo needs new exclusive franchises and unique games for the WiiU.

If it were a 3rd party game, it would most likely be a discount/download game. No 3rd party studio would be able to invest the time/money/advertising to make it a $60 retail game.

pokoko said:
Yeah, though the game does look fun. I'm mostly willing to overlook any suspicious reactions because of that.

Still, that's nothing compared to The Devil's Third. I've been shocked at the people saying this game looks good. Had it been a PS3/360 game, the reactions would have been different to an extreme degree. There is no doubt in my mind that some of the people saying it looks interesting now would be blasting it out the water if it weren't a Wii U exclusive. It's just so strange to watch. It's like if people suddenly started raving about Call of Juarez: The Cartel. It's surreal.

What are you talking about? Most people agree Devil's third looks awful. It got eliminated pretty quickly in the Nintendo E3 game elimination thread. 

Maybe, it does look really good, but right now it feels like digital title imstead of a full retail release. There is still more info to be released and they need to talk about single player.... But Im not convinced the content is there right now...

I find it downright disturbing how people these days think unconventional and cartoony games should be eShop titles. Games like Splatoon and Sunset Overdrive are what their genre REALLY needs.

Just remember, Pikmin and LBP would have been deemed as for digital release only by many if they came out today.

I disagree. I think if it was some kind of indie or third-party game everyone would be blowing up about it. As the most creative new shooter shown at E3, it would have received much more attention if it wasn't a Nintendo game.