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Forums - Sony Discussion - Naughty Dog Working Hard to Push The Last of Us on PS4 Past 60 FPS

VanceIX said:
Captain_Tom said:

First of all, 60 FPS is not required, but it always makes a game better.  Period.  Now as for KZ:SF, I have it and the Framerate is far from a mess.  I will take unlocked any day of the week over 30 FPS because when it is 50-60 FPS in close quarters areas, I have the advantage over people who use 60 fps.

Also not every MGS is 60 FPS.  MGS2 is a rock solid 60 fps though.  Play the HD collection of MGS2 and 3... You will see!

P.S.  Or you could just build a budget PC too ;)

Not sure if I agree. A locked 30 fps is perfectly fine for every single genre that isn't shooters or racers. If anything, it allows devs to focus the power they save by lowering the framerate to something else that the user might actually notice.

Look.  30 FPS is fine if that's what the devs want to do.  But if they made it 60 FPS it would be better if they could do it.  

What annoys me is people saying 30 FPS is "Cinematic" or some other type of retard statement.  Even an average framerate of 40 FPS is noticably smoother.

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Captain_Tom said:
VanceIX said:
Captain_Tom said:

First of all, 60 FPS is not required, but it always makes a game better.  Period.  Now as for KZ:SF, I have it and the Framerate is far from a mess.  I will take unlocked any day of the week over 30 FPS because when it is 50-60 FPS in close quarters areas, I have the advantage over people who use 60 fps.

Also not every MGS is 60 FPS.  MGS2 is a rock solid 60 fps though.  Play the HD collection of MGS2 and 3... You will see!

P.S.  Or you could just build a budget PC too ;)

Not sure if I agree. A locked 30 fps is perfectly fine for every single genre that isn't shooters or racers. If anything, it allows devs to focus the power they save by lowering the framerate to something else that the user might actually notice.

Look.  30 FPS is fine if that's what the devs want to do.  But if they made it 60 FPS it would be better if they could do it.  

What annoys me is people saying 30 FPS is "Cinematic" or some other type of retard statement.  Even an average framerate of 40 FPS is noticably smoother.

Never said it was more cinematic. By all means, 60 fps is superior.

That being said, most people hardly notice the difference between 60 fps and locked 30 fps. Unless you are making a very fast paced game like a shooter or racer, I would give full priority to resolution, AA, effects, etc. and just go with a locked 30 fps.

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I came from PC playing 60 to 144 FPS and i was shocked by 20- 30 FPS on console.

So skuggish and slow

:) ..well if 30fps is the future for you my future is oculus or other 3D in 120 fps

krippaz said:
I came from PC playing 60 to 144 FPS and i was shocked by 20- 30 FPS on console.

So skuggish and slow

Yeah I know what you mean lol.  I overclocked my monitor and now play BF4 at a stable 96 FPS.  30 FPS feels almost like a stutterfest to me now!

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the-pi-guy said:
I came from PC playing 10-20 FPS and I was blown away by 30 FPS on a console.

I have an awful PC.

Been there too! lol