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Forums - Sports Discussion - The Football Thread - 17/18 Season

God I hate what the Russians did in the last 10 minutes. They just didn't care.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

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Yes! 1-1 nets me 5 points. Boring game, except the 15 minutes after the first goal, which I figured would be boring. 8 points today, that's decent.

Good game by both Korea and Russia. I think a lot of people underestimate Korea. But here's my predictions for tomorrow:

Australia 0 - 4 Netherlands
Spain 2 - 1 Chile
Cameroon 0 - 1 Croatia

thiago got a bit lucky with that tackle,could have been a leg breaker or a red,be tough if they lost him

spain v chile tomorrow,cameroon v croatia,must win now for some teams

the aussies really are in a tough group

                                                                                                                                        Above & Beyond


Well I missed all of them lol

Anyway tomorrow:
Australia 0 - 4 Netherlands
Spain 2 - 0 Chile
Cameroon 0 - 0 Croatia

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Well I got 1 score right today (Russia and Korea), and also the Belgium victory point so ok day for me. Also, Brazil played horrible today...

Anyway, predictions for tomorrow:

Australia 0 - 3 Netherlands
Spain 2 - 1 Chile
Cameroon 0 - 2 Croatia

Nintendo and PC gamer

Australia 1 - 3 Netherlands
Spain 2 - 1 Chile
Cameroon 0 - 2 Croatia


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

RolStoppable said:
MoHasanie said:
Australia 0 - 3 Netherlands
Spain 2 - 1 Chile
Cameroon 0 - 1 Croatia

Copying my predictions, huh? I guess it's because I did so well on Tuesday.

You didn't do a good job of covering your tracks. While you at least managed to put down one different number, the names of all the countries are the same.

haha, I actually coped osed's predictions because I was too lazy to type it all out.  


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

Well, I got them all backwards yesterday. Maybe I should predict against Croatia to make sure they win. But if Rol has faith in us, then we're surely winning anyway, so I might as well predict to win.

Australia - Netherlands 0:4
Spain - Chile 2:3
Cameroon - Croatia 1:3


Even a draw does not mean Croatia is out. Either way we need to beat Mexico, but if we win today it can be any score, if we draw today we need to beat them by at least 2 goals difference.

And if we lose to Cameroon, screw it, at least we got our health...

June 18th,

Australia vs. Netherlands- winner Netherlands 3-1
Spain vs. Chile- winner Spain 2-1
Cameroon vs.Croatia- winner Croatia 2-0