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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Quantum Break Pushed Back to 2015?

Apparently QB just entered in Full production, 2014 release very unlikely IMHO :

Via OXM :

"In parting, he touched on the topic of Quantum Break, Remedy's time-bending third-person shooter. "It's a big first party title, we're not talking about it much, but it's a big exciting title - just hit full production."

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Sweep said:
Apparently QB just entered in Full production, 2014 release very unlikely IMHO :

Via OXM :

"In parting, he touched on the topic of Quantum Break, Remedy's time-bending third-person shooter. "It's a big first party title, we're not talking about it much, but it's a big exciting title - just hit full production."

what on earth have they been doing for the past 4 years? 

I don't think it was ever safe to assume that QB will launch in 2014. It will actually be surprising if it is out in 2015.
As far as the game is advertised:
"Quantum Break blurs the line between television and gameplay, integrating the two into one seamless, uniquely immersive experience. It’s a revolutionary entertainment experience that weaves the cinematic action of intense gameplay with the tension and drama of scripted television, creating a world where each has a direct impact on the other."

Unless they are working very very secretly, there is absolutely no sign of the TV show even starting pre-production, no news on cast or director, or script... It would be safe to assume that the production of the series won't start until early 2015 at best.
(Opposite example is Halo, which is slated for fall 2015 start, to accompany the game).

Look if you've not seen gameplay for a AAA title now it ain't coming this year, that goes for any major AAA first party IP.

The marketing budgets these games have start at least 6 months out these days. Any big new game that is coming this year thats not started its marketing from first party is probably poor and not been allowed a marketing budget and being sent out to die.

This E3 on the most part will be last years E3, so many of the same games coming for there second E3 outing.

well looks like it will 2015