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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - The Death of HD-DVD and Why Microsoft is Dying

Vista comes with every new PC. So I don't think the demand is low, you usually just get it. A lot of people I know with new PC's actually like Vista.

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I have a brand new HP PC with top of the line prosessor and graphics cards, and I hate Vista. If I knew what I was getting into I would have stayed with XP!

Lost my faith in VGChartz. Too many stupid and ignorant Americans, even as moderators.

It's a shame, really. "The Boss" should do something radical about this Americanization, but it seems hardly feasible, so my days here are numbered.


XP also had it's problems when it came out.

Sure did, but those were fixed in SP1. The same cannot be said about SP1 for Vista.

Lost my faith in VGChartz. Too many stupid and ignorant Americans, even as moderators.

It's a shame, really. "The Boss" should do something radical about this Americanization, but it seems hardly feasible, so my days here are numbered.


Omac said:
XP also had it's problems when it came out.

 Yea bu tnot at this level, computer stores didn't advertise "We will "upgrade" your XP to ME now did they??  But i see in manyy places that a comp store will "upgrade" your vista to XP. 



 It was a good article, the guy loses credibility by being an Apple fan and making hipocritical statements about MS(even though they are true).  I hate Apple more than even MS.  But it is a shame that all the immature users just shot down your article.  It is a shame cause a careful analysis of this blog and some limited research could have brought about a good debate.

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Vista doesn't come with every new PC, you can still get XP on it if you'd like.

Anyways, about the article. It was a nice read, and regardless of what's a fact and what isn't, I'm glad there's some people that want Microsoft to lay down and just die. You want facts? Find someone who's never used a PC before. Install them Windows and install Linux, or maybe show them a MAC, and see which one they think is easier to use and in general "better". Guaranteed they won't choose Windows. :)

Just wait for service pack 2, that was the best one for XP :P


Edit: I have a three year old pc with XP. I'm still going to wait until my pc is crap before upgrading.

Wonderful article.

About accusations of "bias" -- well, duh. Everyone's biased, and the most dangerous pieces are the ones where you can't tell what the bias actually is. Here, the bias is clear and straight-forward. That has nothing to do with the accuracy of the article, or the fact that it is well-researched and well-written.

Although, the rebuttals saying "This article sucks!" are fairly convincing, too.

I am sure MS is dying with it's over 85% marketshare of OS being sold and the company earn only a few billions a year it is surely must be going out of business.

Majority of MS sale come from not the upgrade to Vista but from bundle OEM with new computer.  Why do you think they are pushing so hard for PC gaming revival with thing like "Games for Windows" compaign or "Live for Windows".  They want people to upgrade their computers.  With current trend of good enough to run WoW and DinerDash in PC gaming I think is what worry MS more than the being outsold by Mac OSX.





Good artycle .

Cant say I agree 100% with it but has very solid points in it .

MS bread and butter is the use of its propietary software and the industry as a whole is resisting with increased force to use it so that hurts Microsoft .

Not receiving the royalties for each HD-DVD player and HD-DVD movie encoded with MS software and embedded with HDI software or curse hurts MS .

Companies pushing for OpenGL instead of DirectX of course hurts MS .

The Zune failing of course hurts MS .

And so on .

Some of the wording and such may be debatable ,and some shipped numbers too ,but I think the article is very good and gives a good perspective at whats going on in the software/licensing sector .And one thing is for sure ,MS is losing its iron grip and not because it isnt fighting the harder possible simply the industry doesnt want it anymore .