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Forums - Sony Discussion - Lair patch with normal controls: CONFIRMED!

In come flocking the PS3 haters as usual. Lair will get my money, especially at a discounted price without the motion controls. I would also have to assume that they touched up any frame issues, so maybe Lair will get re-reviewed?

Funny though, dont you love how since others have nothing possible to talk about but sales, they try to bash the PS3 at every chance? You all have never even played the game, have no idea what its about, but claim "NO NO ITS GOING TO SUCK STILL." LOL.

But yes, Lair was pretty good minus motion controls. If Mass Effect can get good scores with technical issues, why not Lair?

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PooperScooper said:
Kasz216 said:

Well it's obvious you think the game was playable. Whether you thought it was good or not. Just about every magazine that isn't "Play Magazine" disagrees with you.


Game informer, Ace Gamez, Ferrago, Fragland, PALGN AU, Armchair Empire, Game Chronicles, Playstation UK, Just RPG, Honest Gamers, Game Vortex, GameShark, PGNx Media, Daily Game, The Laser, Strategy Informer, Deeko, Extreme Gamer, Game Revolution, Game Trailers, GameTap, UGO, Gamezone,

Daily Game said it was unplayable for one.

So i'm guessing you haven't actually read the reviews.

Note the Metacritic review of 53... with an amazing 16 negative reviews.

I wouldn't exactly think that analog controls are really going to make this game be any better than what it is. I thought it wasn't bad... mediocre, but not bad. The motion controls were either a "meh, it's playable" or "IT SUCKS" and I consider myself in the former. There were some problems every now and then, but I was able to get through with motion controls without too much hassle. However, I would imagine that the analog controls will make for a more responsive and more precise experience.

So whatever, the issue of motion is now scratched off the list. Overall, Lair has made me a little wary of any of their games that aren't Star Wars related. Heck, even the Star Wars ones had similar problems that Lair did, but the fact you're flying in Star Wars ships sort of outweighed it.

Eh, it's a little bit late, though. Most people have, by now, decided whether they think the game sucks or not. Won't really help anything.


If they'd have released a patch six months ago, things would've surely been different.
