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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Portal 2 Announced!!!

This should be solid. Let's just hope it takes more than one sitting to beat it this time.

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BenKenobi88 said:
That's cool, I guess I'm not overexcited for it, because it just seems like...more puzzles to me. Which is great, but sequel-hype worthy, no. But if they tack on more funny writing and all that, why not, I'll certainly buy it.

 Exactly my thought...

If the Portal developers are smart (and evidence suggests they are), they'll develop Portal's successor as a true successor, and not focus overly on repeating the same puzzles as the first game. It'd be nice to see some actual combat elements come into play as well. More than just knocking over tripod turrets, anyway.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.

I would guess that Portal 2 will not be more of the same, but instead introduce a new gameplay mechanic. It will still be puzzles, but I'm willing to bet they will not just be like extra levels.

Portal was one of my favorite next gen experiences thus far and i am ecstatic they are making another one. Even if its more puzzles its a must buy for me but I seriously doubt it will be like that. I expect a full game where puzzles will revolve around a new plot and more story focused gameplay. Furthermore, they should apply that game mechanic to other games...Imagine Snake had the teleport gun in metal gear games. Amazing!

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Sweet! I hope they do a good job (but hey, it's Valve, they'll do a good job, no matter how long it takes). Seeing someone mention the Orange Box earlier makes me consider something though. The Orange Box had 3 new games, a Half-Life 2 installment, Portal, and a multiplayer component (Team Fortress 2). Could they possibly make another "Color Box," and include Episode 3, Portal 2, and Left4Dead? In the same style as the Orange Box, there is a Half-Life 2 installment, a Portal installment, and a multiplayer component not related to Half-Life. Wouldn't that rock...

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