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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Commodore 64 Classics coming to the Wii's VC (EU Only)

Good news. MOAR systems to the VC and add the g'damn hdd-support.
Just reduce the price to 400 points and i would be happy. :p

Nothing's cheaper than something free.

F1 vs FOTA, when too much power is in couple peoples hands.


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I bet it'll come to the other regions. Either way I won't buy them. I have only been interested in the NES and SNES games. I can only buy the ones I really, really want to replay.

Space Taxi, Project Firestart, Jumpman, Impossible Mission. It had a lot of great games.

Can they also emulate a 486 PC running MS-DOS? I'd love to play some multiplayer DOOM, Duke3D, Dune 2, and some other great PC games.

This is just awesome news.

Imagine if you can download a C64 "channel" - and just start typing away (yes, I have a keyboard :>). It could bring the classic system back from the dead!

Looking forward to Impossible Mission I/II, Vampire ... and a heap more (C64 was one of the systems I never had :

Gesta Non Verba

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shams said:
This is just awesome news.

Imagine if you can download a C64 "channel" - and just start typing away (yes, I have a keyboard :>). It could bring the classic system back from the dead!

Looking forward to Impossible Mission I/II, Vampire ... and a heap more (C64 was one of the systems I never had :<).

 A C64 channel, that makes me smile and cry just thinking about it.

So we do have C64 fans here.


Bruce Lee ftw



I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



I was a spectrum owner, I would like to see that brought to VC I do feel 500 points is a bit to much 350 would be fine.

just give me Amiga games on VC and I'm off to buy a Wii.

( -'.'-)
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Yay for Finland! \o/ (a Finnish site first announced this)

I was too young to play the Commodore 64 when it was popular, and none of my friends had it when I was a kid, so I've never actually played it. I might get International Karate just for the sheer awesomeness of owning such a classic, though. =P