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Forums - Sony Discussion - Destiny Of Spirits: Friends, Tradings, and more!

i can't remember the exact levels for them and can't check cuz the game is down again but from the top of my head the best once I had were

Lvl 50 Sorcerer
Lvl 47-48 Yum Kaax
Lvl 47-48 Spy Costume Raven
Lvl 25 Panther Kat
Lvl 25 Lay of the depth
Lvl 35 Phantom of Gold

and a bunch of other level 30+ or so summons like Tezkatipoca, First mother, Greys etc

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

For All News/Info related to the PlayStation Vita, Come and join us in the Official PSV Thread!

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When you beat each of the lvl 20 Raid Bosses, did you all get a Light Prince as I did?

Yes it's fixed. Btw you can check the rewards on conquest page


I have the same problem as yesterday: Can do everything ingame EXCEPT battles......................... T.T
Anyone from EU experiencing the same?

I suspect that it works like this: everything is all right until early afternoon, European time. At that point, Asian players wake up and start playing. As they are, compared to the rest of DoS players, in a proportion of 99:1, the server disaster begins...

Around the Network

I asked some friends of mine that live in Greece as me. They say the game works for them. I dont get it really...
How is this happening? My vita is connected on the internet. i can play online. I log in Destiny and can do everything except battling.... totally weird

So i tried another internet connection and cinnected from a friend's to eliminate the possibility of my connection having a problem. The issue still persists. I cant do any battling ingame. I pick my team, i skip/use supporter and when i press begin battle, i get the message: check internet connection...

They said they are giving more in game stuff as compensation for the recent emergency maintenance. Hopefully it's orbs and hopefully we will get it before they take Gravity Rush summons offline.

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

For All News/Info related to the PlayStation Vita, Come and join us in the Official PSV Thread!

Ok i think im done with this game. Just before the maintance i was playing as normally. Then i have this problem for 2 straight days and i dont even know the issue. Tried everything: delete game/save, vita reset, database reset, 3 different internet connections and still nothing. When i go for battle it asks me to check my internet connection... I give up

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