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Forums - General Discussion - Help me write a limmerick.

I have to do a limmerick for english. I can't think of one and its due tommorow and its been two weeks of me trying to think of a limmerick. Please help. The only requirement is for it to be about a character coming from a place. I suck a poetry. I've seen there was a haiku thread or something so maybe those people who did haikus know something about limmericks. You don't have to write one just help me get started. Btw nobody tell me plagericsm  Also where is spell check at. I have firefox but spell check doesn't work when posting threads/posts and I need spell check.

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A limmerick eh? Sorry I don't speak dutch.

cool48 said:
A limmerick eh? Sorry I don't speak dutch.

 That is why I need spell check.

Fine be like that nobody help me.

Just write something in the order of:


A= 7 Syllables
B= 5 Syllables

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^ Yeah but it has to make sense too and I can't think of one.

Can you tell me the form of a limmerick? I'll help you out, just tell me the form..


Here is the sheet I will scan it brb.

A tree is green and brown
It is very nice and tall
In front of my house
I planted a tree
Someday I hope it grows tall

I wrote that inside a minute I'm sure you can figure something out easily enough.

^ Doesn't it have to be funny?

Anyways: How much longer? I'm pretty good with poems...I was in the ADVANCED CLASS =-)....LOL I made some stupid poems last year...