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Forums - Sony Discussion - 1000+ self-publishing Developers now on Playstation

pezus said:

"3) The 100 games include multiplats and indies. So, it's not a true list of 100 games more than it just being a list of games coming out for all systems."

You have got to have the weirdest world-view I have seen in quite some time. 100 games is not a true list of 100 games. Mind, it boggles.

Do you consider it an honest list of 100 games? Keep in mind that many of the games on that list will be coming to the Xbox One and the Wii U. Also, many of those games have already been released and many of the games on the list are indie games. It's like releasing a standard deck of playing cards and bragging that your deck has the ace of spades, 2 joker cards and a King of Hearts. Well, every deck of cards has those cards as well, so what's the point, right?

Around the Network
pezus said:
QuintonMcLeod said:
the-pi-guy said:
QuintonMcLeod said:

The PS4 still hasn't sold a single game pass 2 million. The point is that games on the PS4 aren't selling. 

A game with not even a 33% attach ratio is such a failure!!!  Pretty much no company outside of Nintendo makes a game that could have an attach ratio that high, and they have few games that do so as well.  

I certainly understand where you're coming from. However, even the NPD has admitted that software sales are down for both the Xbox One and the PS4. Now this is much more notable for the PS4 considering how well its selling, but how poorly its software is selling.

You say "down", I say "from what"?

Take a look at the list.

PS4 is the top-selling SKU in 5 out of 8 cases and the second best selling in 1.

Umm... There are no sales numbers here. Hard for you to make a point with ranks, don't you think?

the-pi-guy said:
QuintonMcLeod said:

1) Lets not ignore the first link I gave you, buddy. The second link just reinforces Sony's stigma.

2) They did promise, and it's more than how it's being rendered, my friend.

3) Well, would it be fair if Nintendo said they are planning the release of 160 games in 2014, but that list consisted of indies and multiplats?

4) It means that I cannot reply because it's an opinion based on a fact completely unrelated to the issue at hand. Just because a game released on an older console doesn't mean it'll be released on a current one - or even on a date that's been unconfirmed.

5) That's good!

1.) I didn't.  1st article is inaccurate, 2nd article is old.  

2.)  Tell me more.  

3.)  Yes?  I honestly think it would.  If someone shows me a list of games on a platform I don't go ohh half of these games are on another platform.  I'd be like wow, look at all these games I can get on this platform.  

4.)  I see no reason you would think that.  

1) If you say so, my friend.

2) Nah. I think we're done.

3) I see you're very easily pleased. :D

4) I'm quite sure.


Was nice talking to you though. I hope you at least consider some of the points I've made and go from there. :D

QuintonMcLeod said:
the-pi-guy said:
QuintonMcLeod said:

1) Lets not ignore the first link I gave you, buddy. The second link just reinforces Sony's stigma.

2) They did promise, and it's more than how it's being rendered, my friend.

3) Well, would it be fair if Nintendo said they are planning the release of 160 games in 2014, but that list consisted of indies and multiplats?

4) It means that I cannot reply because it's an opinion based on a fact completely unrelated to the issue at hand. Just because a game released on an older console doesn't mean it'll be released on a current one - or even on a date that's been unconfirmed.

5) That's good!

1.) I didn't.  1st article is inaccurate, 2nd article is old.  

2.)  Tell me more.  

3.)  Yes?  I honestly think it would.  If someone shows me a list of games on a platform I don't go ohh half of these games are on another platform.  I'd be like wow, look at all these games I can get on this platform.  

4.)  I see no reason you would think that.  

1) If you say so, my friend.

2) Nah. I think we're done.

3) I see you're very easily pleased. :D

4) I'm quite sure.


Was nice talking to you though. I hope you at least consider some of the points I've made and go from there. :D

What good points they are /s

The amount of salt in here, and hopefully the games coming to PS4 will be good :) Also looking forward to Planetside 2 again.

Squeezol's Fanclub Member? is that how it works?

Why can't I hold all these no gaemz?

Always looking to improve my awful drawings ;_; 

Around the Network
pezus said:
QuintonMcLeod said:
pezus said:
QuintonMcLeod said:
ImmortalHelixFossil said:
QuintonMcLeod said:

Good. Then you cannot get angry if another person tells you that the PS4 has no games. You have already explained to us that it doesn't. I'm talking about retail exclusive games. The PS4 barely has any, and the ones they have are mediocre based on their scores on Metacritic. If Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze can bare a score higher than every single Sony retail exclusive, then there's a serious problem here.


It's a pitty that the PS4 doesn't have any games that suits you. Still, I'm glad that there are millions of other people who bought a PS4, because it suits them. We all got our differences. 

But software sales are down. PS4 owners are not buying games. Herein lies the problem.

Down, from what?

PS4 has sold over 15m games in 4 months. Compare that with WiiU, which had sold around 6m games after 4 months with ~2m of them being the hard-bundled NintendoLand (couldn't buy a WiiU without it).

Down from last year. It's been on a steady decline. As for your comparison, the Wii U only sold around 3.6 million units within 4 months. Would you consider that a fair comparison?

Yeah, can you copy that quote directly here to this thread for me, where PS4 software is "down from last year"?

Regarding the comparison, yeah I would, since you were just now comparing software sales of a 1.5 year old system with <0.5 year old system. It's as if you expect console owners to only buy games when they buy their consoles and then never again.

1) I've already provided the links. Check the NPD numbers if you like. All the data is out there for you to explore.

2) That doesn't make your claims correct. In fact, it makes them wrong. If console A sells 3.6 million units in 4 months while console B sells 6.3 million within the same time period, it's very difficult to say that one console's software sales are better than the other. With a larger userbase, you'd assume so. If it's OK for you to make such an odd comparison, then I should be able to use 3DS software sales and compare it to the PS4. You see what I did there? It's not fair. However, comparing the PS4's current software sales to the Wii U's current software sales, you can make a better assestment since they are both around 6 million. So far, the PS4 software sales are pretty dismal compared to the Wii U. 

QuintonMcLeod said:
Wonktonodi said:

QuintonMcLeod said:

(1)Its a bit too early to celebrate. (2)Sony is known for lying through their teeth or misrepresenting the facts.
(3)Sony lists 100 games for this year, but majority of the games they have listed have extraordinarily dubious release dates. Some don't even have release dates at all, and Sony is labeling those games as 2014.(4) I mean, you've got questionable titles such as Minecraft, The Order 1886 and even Planetside 2. I'm just saying, folks. Take this news with a grain of salt.

(5)Now Sony is saying they have 1000 self-publishing developers on board. Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm not going to believe it until I see it with my own eyes.

1)For those with the system who are alreadsy enjoying the games it's hardly too early. For those who are looking forward to some specific games until the buy the system it might be early but there are pleanty of games coming.

2) someone already asked you to back this up, you might have that impresssion of them but, thats very different from saying the company is known for it.

3) they don't list 100 games for the year they say 100. In the sentence on the link it says including 4 watch dogs May 27th Elderscrolls online June 2014 Destiny Septemer 9th the 4th game listed The Order 1886 is the only game without even a month for the release,

4)How is minecraft questionable? The game is out and on many platforms, do you really think it won't be out before the year ends? you don't come across as just saying, you come across as very negative and pessamistic

5) They have "more than 1,000 developers licensed globally to self-publish on our platforms" That would be a very easy thing for them to prove a giant list. Maybe what you meant is that 1000 licenses doesn't mean there will be 1000 games for sure, or that they would be good. However I have enjoyed some of what has come so far from indies on there various platforms so I'm happy that there are that many out there who want to self publish.

1) No. I'm saying it's too early to celebrate because Sony is filled with liars. Plus, the list is mostly multiplats and indie games. Many of the games on the list ARE even coming to the Wii U. 

2) Because I figured this was pretty obvious. Sony promised 1080p/60fps gameplay, and we're not getting it. Sony promised amazing graphics and we're not getting it. Sony promised a ton of games at launch, and we didn't get them. This isn't something new. Sony has been doing this for years. Of course, the list of lies don't end there.

3) It says 100 games for 2014. Maybe you should check it again.

4) It's questionable because it's a TBA game that was once a Microsoft exclusive. We know next to nothing beyond that. For all we know, it may not come out this year or at all. Why? Because it's a TBA release date. 

5) That would be very easy for them to prove... So, why won't they? Nintendo has countless times. 

1. I doubt they are mostly liars, you hower have an agenda. Most games released on consoles are mutiplat in general and many are vey good. This gen many are running better on the ps4. Why shouldn't people be excited about them? good game are good games regardless of if they are exclusive or mutiplat.

2. obviously it's not that obvious or people wouldn't be asking

3. look back at the bolded, unless there is something else the press release linked in the op say 100 games say including and then lits 4 games. you said the games they listed had dubious release dates. I showed you that 3/4 have a date or month. 1 of the 4 listed is hardly dubious.

4. when was it microsoft exculsive? it was on pc then mobile then 360 then ps3. No release date don't always mean far away or never.

5. have you asked them to? has anyone of significance asked them to? do most people care about the specifics? and sorry I don't believe you that nitendo has done it countless times.

pezus said:
QuintonMcLeod said:
pezus said:

"3) The 100 games include multiplats and indies. So, it's not a true list of 100 games more than it just being a list of games coming out for all systems."

You have got to have the weirdest world-view I have seen in quite some time. 100 games is not a true list of 100 games. Mind, it boggles.

Do you consider it an honest list of 100 games? Keep in mind that many of the games on that list will be coming to the Xbox One and the Wii U. Also, many of those games have already been released and many of the games on the list are indie games. It's like releasing a standard deck of playing cards and bragging that your deck has the ace of spades, 2 joker cards and a King of Hearts. Well, every deck of cards has those cards as well, so what's the point, right?

Yes, I do. An "honest" list of ALL GAMES COMING OUT includes every game

You nailed it with the analogy. It's exactly like that. The difference is that a deck of cards always has the same amount of cards. The same can't be said for console games releasing in a given year. For decks like WiiU and Vita's, you can't expect the vast number of cards you get with the PS4 deck.

Well, if we use that same logic, then the Wii U is releasing the largest number of games this year. Just the Wii U's indie lineup alone exceeds over 120 games starting in April. If I were to include previous titles already released this year, coupled with Nintendo's own games and the small limited number of 3rd party games, the Wii U's software lineup will exceed 200. So, ask yourself this: Is it really honest? Really? I mean, really really?

pezus said:
QuintonMcLeod said:
pezus said:
QuintonMcLeod said:
the-pi-guy said:
QuintonMcLeod said:

The PS4 still hasn't sold a single game pass 2 million. The point is that games on the PS4 aren't selling. 

A game with not even a 33% attach ratio is such a failure!!!  Pretty much no company outside of Nintendo makes a game that could have an attach ratio that high, and they have few games that do so as well.  

I certainly understand where you're coming from. However, even the NPD has admitted that software sales are down for both the Xbox One and the PS4. Now this is much more notable for the PS4 considering how well its selling, but how poorly its software is selling.

You say "down", I say "from what"?

Take a look at the list.

PS4 is the top-selling SKU in 5 out of 8 cases and the second best selling in 1.

Umm... There are no sales numbers here. Hard for you to make a point with ranks, don't you think?

Except SKUs are listed in the order of highest sales (from left to right). I don't need numbers to state what I did.

Err... But Tomb Raider is on that list and it sold horribly on the PS4 and the Xbox One. This is a very bad way of making your point.

Wonktonodi said:
QuintonMcLeod said:
Wonktonodi said:

QuintonMcLeod said:

(1)Its a bit too early to celebrate. (2)Sony is known for lying through their teeth or misrepresenting the facts.
(3)Sony lists 100 games for this year, but majority of the games they have listed have extraordinarily dubious release dates. Some don't even have release dates at all, and Sony is labeling those games as 2014.(4) I mean, you've got questionable titles such as Minecraft, The Order 1886 and even Planetside 2. I'm just saying, folks. Take this news with a grain of salt.

(5)Now Sony is saying they have 1000 self-publishing developers on board. Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm not going to believe it until I see it with my own eyes.

1)For those with the system who are alreadsy enjoying the games it's hardly too early. For those who are looking forward to some specific games until the buy the system it might be early but there are pleanty of games coming.

2) someone already asked you to back this up, you might have that impresssion of them but, thats very different from saying the company is known for it.

3) they don't list 100 games for the year they say 100. In the sentence on the link it says including 4 watch dogs May 27th Elderscrolls online June 2014 Destiny Septemer 9th the 4th game listed The Order 1886 is the only game without even a month for the release,

4)How is minecraft questionable? The game is out and on many platforms, do you really think it won't be out before the year ends? you don't come across as just saying, you come across as very negative and pessamistic

5) They have "more than 1,000 developers licensed globally to self-publish on our platforms" That would be a very easy thing for them to prove a giant list. Maybe what you meant is that 1000 licenses doesn't mean there will be 1000 games for sure, or that they would be good. However I have enjoyed some of what has come so far from indies on there various platforms so I'm happy that there are that many out there who want to self publish.

1) No. I'm saying it's too early to celebrate because Sony is filled with liars. Plus, the list is mostly multiplats and indie games. Many of the games on the list ARE even coming to the Wii U. 

2) Because I figured this was pretty obvious. Sony promised 1080p/60fps gameplay, and we're not getting it. Sony promised amazing graphics and we're not getting it. Sony promised a ton of games at launch, and we didn't get them. This isn't something new. Sony has been doing this for years. Of course, the list of lies don't end there.

3) It says 100 games for 2014. Maybe you should check it again.

4) It's questionable because it's a TBA game that was once a Microsoft exclusive. We know next to nothing beyond that. For all we know, it may not come out this year or at all. Why? Because it's a TBA release date. 

5) That would be very easy for them to prove... So, why won't they? Nintendo has countless times. 

1. I doubt they are mostly liars, you hower have an agenda. Most games released on consoles are mutiplat in general and many are vey good. This gen many are running better on the ps4. Why shouldn't people be excited about them? good game are good games regardless of if they are exclusive or mutiplat.

2. obviously it's not that obvious or people wouldn't be asking

3. look back at the bolded, unless there is something else the press release linked in the op say 100 games say including and then lits 4 games. you said the games they listed had dubious release dates. I showed you that 3/4 have a date or month. 1 of the 4 listed is hardly dubious.

4. when was it microsoft exculsive? it was on pc then mobile then 360 then ps3. No release date don't always mean far away or never.

5. have you asked them to? has anyone of significance asked them to? do most people care about the specifics? and sorry I don't believe you that nitendo has done it countless times.

1) I think you have the wrong idea. Sony aren't composed of liars based on a list of 100 games. I mean, the list is very deceitful, but it isn't a lie. Sony are liars based on several things they've said in the past. You can be excited about this list if you want, but realize that this list doesn't say much about the PS4. Hopefully that made sense.

2) Indeed. So, I provided a few links already. You'll have to back track to find them.

3) Alright. Doesn't negate that fact that _some_ have dubious release dates. 1/4 is way more than zero, don't you think?

4) It was exclusive the moment Microsoft claimed publishing rights, but you knew that, didn't you? :D

5) Well, you can take Sony's word for it if you want to. I highly recommend that you don't.