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Forums - Sony Discussion - 1000+ self-publishing Developers now on Playstation

the-pi-guy said:
QuintonMcLeod said:

Umm... These are facts, my friend.:

You see that list? The PS4 has outsold the Wii U and hasn't sold a single game past 2 million? Only 6 games on that list are over 1 million. I can understand why the Xbox One may not have games over 2 million since it has a smaller userbase, but for the PS4, there's no excuse. According to VGchartz, Both the Wii U and the Xbox One have a higher software ratio than the PS4. I'm very sorry to bring this hurtful news to you, but facts are facts my friend.

Compared to the Wii U with only 5 games past 1 million.  

The PS4 still hasn't sold a single game pass 2 million. The point is that games on the PS4 aren't selling. 

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QuintonMcLeod said:
the-pi-guy said:
QuintonMcLeod said:

1) No. I'm saying it's too early to celebrate because Sony is filled with liars. Plus, the list is mostly multiplats and indie games. Many of the games on the list ARE even coming to the Wii U. 

2) Because I figured this was pretty obvious. Sony promised 1080p/60fps gameplay, and we're not getting it. Sony promised amazing graphics and we're not getting it. Sony promised a ton of games at launch, and we didn't get them. This isn't something new. Sony has been doing this for years. Of course, the list of lies don't end there.

3) It says 100 games for 2014. Maybe you should check it again.

4) It's questionable because it's a TBA game that was once a Microsoft exclusive. We know next to nothing beyond that. For all we know, it may not come out this year or at all. Why? Because it's a TBA release date. 

5) That would be very easy for them to prove... So, why won't they? Nintendo has countless times. 

1.) What has Sony lied about?  

2.) Where did they promise such a thing [for all games]?  

3.) Why is 100 games so unbelievable?  It's not a super great number.  It's a pretty okay number though.  Just depends on the tier of the games released.  

4.)  I see no reason it won't be.  It's already on the PS3.  

5.) What are they supposed to do?  Release a list of every developer?  All of these are indies.   

1) I'm actually pretty surprised that people are ignorant of Sony's lies. They lie quite a bit. Here's a link that goes over one of many of those lies:

Here are a ton of other lies Sony as told in the past:

2) Right here:

3) The 100 games include multiplats and indies. So, it's not a true list of 100 games more than it just being a list of games coming out for all systems.

4) Uh huh

5) Take it with a grain of salt my friend. Don't believe everything Sony tells you.

You're really reaching there.. You'll fit in well. 

Mmmfishtacos said:
QuintonMcLeod said:
the-pi-guy said:
QuintonMcLeod said:

1) No. I'm saying it's too early to celebrate because Sony is filled with liars. Plus, the list is mostly multiplats and indie games. Many of the games on the list ARE even coming to the Wii U. 

2) Because I figured this was pretty obvious. Sony promised 1080p/60fps gameplay, and we're not getting it. Sony promised amazing graphics and we're not getting it. Sony promised a ton of games at launch, and we didn't get them. This isn't something new. Sony has been doing this for years. Of course, the list of lies don't end there.

3) It says 100 games for 2014. Maybe you should check it again.

4) It's questionable because it's a TBA game that was once a Microsoft exclusive. We know next to nothing beyond that. For all we know, it may not come out this year or at all. Why? Because it's a TBA release date. 

5) That would be very easy for them to prove... So, why won't they? Nintendo has countless times. 

1.) What has Sony lied about?  

2.) Where did they promise such a thing [for all games]?  

3.) Why is 100 games so unbelievable?  It's not a super great number.  It's a pretty okay number though.  Just depends on the tier of the games released.  

4.)  I see no reason it won't be.  It's already on the PS3.  

5.) What are they supposed to do?  Release a list of every developer?  All of these are indies.   

1) I'm actually pretty surprised that people are ignorant of Sony's lies. They lie quite a bit. Here's a link that goes over one of many of those lies:

Here are a ton of other lies Sony as told in the past:

2) Right here:

3) The 100 games include multiplats and indies. So, it's not a true list of 100 games more than it just being a list of games coming out for all systems.

4) Uh huh

5) Take it with a grain of salt my friend. Don't believe everything Sony tells you.

You're really reaching there.. You'll fit in well. 

Considering most of what you quoted is me pointing out Sony's lies, I can assume you mean to tell me that it's "reaching" when calling Sony liars. I mean, can you prove that they do not lie?

pezus said:
QuintonMcLeod said:
poklane said:
QuintonMcLeod said:

Its a bit too early to celebrate. Sony is known for lying through their teeth or misrepresenting the facts.
Sony lists 100 games for this year, but majority of the games they have listed have extraordinarily dubious release dates. Some don't even have release dates at all, and Sony is labeling those games as 2014. I mean, you've got questionable titles such as Minecraft, The Order 1886 and even Planetside 2. I'm just saying, folks. Take this news with a grain of salt.

Now Sony is saying they have 1000 self-publishing developers on board. Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm not going to believe it until I see it with my own eyes.

Minecraft was originally set for the months after launch, so it's pretty likely for that title to be this year. It also isn't a title that doesn't take years to make due to how simple it is. Then The Order: 1886 and Planetside 2 are Sony titles, so they'll probably know how those are coming along. If they wanted to lie about numbers, they would have put Uncharted up there, but they didn't.

Umm... No.

Minecraft is supposed to come to the PS4, but it's labeled TBA. There's no release date. Same with Planetside 2 and The Order 1886. Like I said, Sony lies a lot, and I highly doubt they have 100 games planned for this year.

I'm sure Sony have no idea when their own games are coming

Oh, no one is saying Sony has no idea. I'm quite sure they _know_ when their games are coming out. Of course, telling the truth about those release dates is a whole different matter.

pezus said:
QuintonMcLeod said:

RAD isn't known for the GOW series. Santa Monica is. Besides, Santa Monica helped RAD with both of those PSP games you're referring to. RAD hasn't made their own game by themselves. They are very unproven right now.

Didn't you just say SSM was making The Order, lol?

I mentioned earlier that I was trying to give the game credit (Since Santa Monica is helping with the development of this game). RAD is pretty unproven and haven't released a single game on their own. However, these are just small details.

Around the Network
the-pi-guy said:
QuintonMcLeod said:

The PS4 still hasn't sold a single game pass 2 million. The point is that games on the PS4 aren't selling. 

A game with not even a 33% attach ratio is such a failure!!!  Pretty much no company outside of Nintendo makes a game that could have an attach ratio that high, and they have few games that do so as well.  

I certainly understand where you're coming from. However, even the NPD has admitted that software sales are down for both the Xbox One and the PS4. Now this is much more notable for the PS4 considering how well its selling, but how poorly its software is selling.

the-pi-guy said:
QuintonMcLeod said:

1) I'm actually pretty surprised that people are ignorant of Sony's lies. They lie quite a bit. Here's a link that goes over one of many of those lies:

Here are a ton of other lies Sony as told in the past:

2) Right here:

3) The 100 games include multiplats and indies. So, it's not a true list of 100 games more than it just being a list of games coming out for all systems.

4) Uh huh

5) Take it with a grain of salt my friend. Don't believe everything Sony tells you.

Why do you keep using bold? 

1.) So, stuff from years ago, and an inaccurate article.  

2.) Not really a Sony promise, and technically it is 1080p60, just how it is being rendered is different.  

3.) What's the problem here?

4.) I have no idea what you mean.  

5.)  I don't believe everything anyone tells me.  

1) Lets not ignore the first link I gave you, buddy. The second link just reinforces Sony's stigma.

2) They did promise, and it's more than how it's being rendered, my friend.

3) Well, would it be fair if Nintendo said they are planning the release of 160 games in 2014, but that list consisted of indies and multiplats?

4) It means that I cannot reply because it's an opinion based on a fact completely unrelated to the issue at hand. Just because a game released on an older console doesn't mean it'll be released on a current one - or even on a date that's been unconfirmed.

5) That's good!

Thats good news. I wish we had more AAA but I pove having choice. When these 1k dev start to pump games there will be more than one can afford or have the time to deal with :)

RIP ps3, xbox360.

welcome home ps4 and X1

pezus said:
QuintonMcLeod said:
ImmortalHelixFossil said:
QuintonMcLeod said:

Good. Then you cannot get angry if another person tells you that the PS4 has no games. You have already explained to us that it doesn't. I'm talking about retail exclusive games. The PS4 barely has any, and the ones they have are mediocre based on their scores on Metacritic. If Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze can bare a score higher than every single Sony retail exclusive, then there's a serious problem here.


It's a pitty that the PS4 doesn't have any games that suits you. Still, I'm glad that there are millions of other people who bought a PS4, because it suits them. We all got our differences. 

But software sales are down. PS4 owners are not buying games. Herein lies the problem.

Down, from what?

PS4 has sold over 15m games in 4 months. Compare that with WiiU, which had sold around 6m games after 4 months with ~2m of them being the hard-bundled NintendoLand (couldn't buy a WiiU without it).

Down from last year. It's been on a steady decline. As for your comparison, the Wii U only sold around 3.6 million units within 4 months. Would you consider that a fair comparison?

LivingMetal said:
Goatseye said:
ethomaz said:

1000 x 250

That's shows the difference in policies between platforms.

Congrats Sony.

Quality vs Quantity. I'll wait and see before bragging.

Doesn't matter. Never did, and hopefully it never will. No one is going to buy and play every game. And savvy gamers will buy the games that appeal to them. That's the beautiful reality of it all. 

Why you're replying to me then? It's more about quality than quantity.