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Forums - General Discussion - Obama supporter PWN3D on MSNBC ...

Sorry but he won't bring troops home in a year.
I don't know anything about his records either - just promises - promises that he can't keep - not that he doesn't want to keep, but won't be able to.

What about consumption tax? People talk about it and it makes sense but nobody will do anything about it. BTW, I can't seem to find the video.

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^^^Just watch one of his speeches. He says that he will bring CHANGE to Washington and all the good ideas will flourish.

Obama is full of crap. All he does is give promises but cant outline how he is going to achieve those promises.

gapboi954 said:
Obama is full of crap. All he does is give promises but cant outline how he is going to achieve those promises.

 Don't be a hater, if Barrack says there will be CHANGE then there will be CHANGE.

I agree with Auron here. I mean why would a politician say he is going to bring CHNAGE and not do it...

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lol, hes full of bullox. Clinton for change !!!!!!!!! lol

OK for all you doubters, understand one thing, OPRAH is for Obama. I mean it is OPRAH, she is never wrong. She gives out cars for pete's sake.

Oh geez, I forgot all about OPRAH. Man that changes EVERYTHING! Oprah is the Queen.

PooperScooper said:
Oh geez, I forgot all about OPRAH. Man that changes EVERYTHING! Oprah is the Queen.

bow before the queen

PooperScooper said:
I agree with Auron here. I mean why would a politician say he is going to bring CHNAGE and not do it...

 To get votes nuff said...