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Forums - Sales Discussion - Life Returns to Normal (in Japan)...

DS outsells PSP in Japan... though loses to the Wii overall. Wii hitting it's normal non-holiday sales at around 60-70k it seems, and PS3 is settling down at around 20k.

360 is there somewhere, like always.

WW we have Nintendo on top 2 spots, Sony 3rd and 4th, with Microsoft on the bottom (but we all know there are supply issues with the 360).

What other things have returned to normal this week? Discuss. 

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There are no real supply issues with 360. Keep telling yourself that but it MS own fault for releasing many skus and now the shelves are cluttered with Arcades and Halo editions which nobody wants.

Sorry, that was a slight joke, because there's obvious supply issues with the Wii, and Microsoft has no excuses as to why they don't have enough supply. Just with all the threads popping up about the numbers, I thought I'd start the unofficial official Japanese numbers thread.

So discuss people!

Heh at Stever89, don't worry, I got the sarcasm about xbox 360 supply issues. :)

there are plenty of 360's to be found. this Supply shortage is pure BS PR spin from MS.

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

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It is interesting to see if the wii continues to stay at about 70-80k a week, with the PS3 stay at 20k to sub 20k levels in japan. If it does, that's a huge difference from last year where the wii was leveled out at around 30k. Perhaps Japan has made their choice, and are started to abandon the PS2 of the last generation to hop on the wii wagon.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

Good to see life returning to normal :P Maybe the damn pigs can stop flying now xD

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

Yeah Japan is almost settled now (until the lull then sudden spike that is Golden week)

All three home consoles will likely drop a bit more (Wii into the 60-70ks, PS3 to around 15-18k, 360 about 3-4k) in the coming weeks, ignoring any important releases.
I really don't know where the handhelds will go, DS may stay steady and keep below the Wii for a while, PSP I think is declining from some important games released in the holidays and the last two weeks, but it might still keep up with DS (DS 55-65k, PSP 50-60k)

This is suppose to be about Japan mostly (I might kid myself though), and I don't think they have supply issues over there. Otherwise they might as well not sell the 360 in Japan. Oh yeah, I forgot to put the actual numbers up:

Wii: 78k
DS: 61k
PSP: 54k
PS3: 19k
360: 4k
NeoGeo: 1

The_vagabond7 said:
It is interesting to see if the wii continues to stay at about 70-80k a week, with the PS3 stay at 20k to sub 20k levels in japan. If it does, that's a huge difference from last year where the wii was leveled out at around 30k. Perhaps Japan has made their choice, and are started to abandon the PS2 of the last generation to hop on the wii wagon.

 That was only in the latter part of the year though, it was a bit more severe with the Wii but the PS2 was generally at 50k or so in the early year, but 30k in the last couple of months each year.
I would guess Wii will stay above 50k for the majority of the year until late October and November, when it will be down to 30k again. rinse and repeat.