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Forums - Sales Discussion - Is the 360 doing really that bad in Japan?


I don't know if this subject is already being discussed somewhere else but I just realized that the 360 already passed the original xbox lifetime sales in Japan. Is it legitimate then to call the 360 a success in Japan even tough it's not selling as much as the rivals?

What are your opinions on this? Do you think it will reach 1million?


Isto o que vale é que como se fala inglês, ninguém percebe um cú do que ando aqui a escrever e portanto não me podem acusar de andar a dizer asneiras. HAHA

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It could reach a million I guess. It will take a while though! It's better than before, at least some people bought it.

It is doing better than the original xbox but this could be down to the fact it was released before the other consoles so if people wanted HD-gaming then the only option was the 360...

I do think it will pass 1 million sold, but it will be dragging itself there!

Squall_Leonhart said:
It is doing better than the original xbox but this could be down to the fact it was released before the other consoles so if people wanted HD-gaming then the only option was the 360...

I do think it will pass 1 million sold, but it will be dragging itself there!

Actually it sold much less than the original xbox for the first year. It only passed it recently with high end exclusives like AC5 and Blue Dragon... Peaople didn't buy the 360 when it came out at all in Japan.

it is doing bad compared too the other consoles but it is expanding it's market:)

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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having a small install base would mean that stores wouldn't give much shelf space to 360 games. this would mean that there would be a very limited selection of games. limited selection of games would deter would be buyers of the 360 as they wont have much to choose from. and around and around we go.

this is why it is important for a game console to have a large install base. the larger the install base, the larger the potential customers of software, the larger the shelf space allocation and the larger the possibility of increasing hw sales. and around and around it goes

It has definitely made some progress from the last generation but by almost any other definition it is failing quite badly.

I think they need to revise their strategy for next generation...I don't know what those revisions should be but I know what they have now isn't working like they want it they need it to.

To Each Man, Responsibility

It's a success relative to last Xbox. Last Xbox often sold 250 per week. This one maintains solid 2-5k sales even in slow times. It's a night and day difference. That is how 360 surpassed Xbox 1 life sales some time ago in Japan, despite have a MUCH lower launch sales.


360 is even almost a viable console in Japan. I mean, if I recall, Gamecube often sold 10k per week. 360 is therefore averaging 25-40% of Gamecube! 


All that said, it's still the difference between "horrendous" and just plain "bad" though.


Of course none of that is microsofts fault anyway, as the Japanese wont buy a foreign console for strategic reasons.  But of course everybody knows that.

If you describe success as doing better than a previous product that was a terrible failure. Then yes its a success . If you describe success as doing good or bringing a return on investment, than no its no success.

It's a fail anyway you look at it