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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Rate my collection? Many hours of adding :o

No offense, but it's just a bunch of pictures. It would be more impressive if you had pictures of your games. What if you lied? What if you just randomly chose those pictures of games? Let's see some real pictures, as proof!

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thats a perfect collection right there and i have to give you extra points for your DC collection and diverse 360 collection

im not posting pictures of brown boxes, I bought half of my collection used as a child so I never really considered it impressive.. My new game buying didn't really start until xbox/ps2/cube era and beyond :p

Note: Some games in my collection are no longer owned, but have owned.

Seriously, why don't you just believe him?
Dragging a Twroo

This is the most owned game on Vgchartz - I'm dead serious. No Cute Kitten DS this time.

See? It's not Cute Kitten DS, that one is

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

You used to have much better taste when you were younger Golden.

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Or those companies used to make much better games when I was younger :p Also for a couple doubters (which is surprising) it really shouldn't be that shocking, you can just check my gamertag and see i've owned like 40 360 titles already. I tend to buy quite a bit of games even if I don't finish a lot of them.

 Looking at my n64 collection a bit closer, I find I loved that console a little more then I remembered, I juiced those games far more than my ps1 stuff.. but DC is still king <3   

Note: Some games in my collection are no longer owned, but have owned.