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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - The Official Microsoft Keynote Thread

Nope, not a dev. I haven't coded anything game-related more complex than a pathetic Flash game. Since I use Flash a lot for design work, I didn't really care to use it in my free time also and gave up.

I'll definitely be playing with this, though. I will probably have to install Vista on my Mac and clean up HDD space, though. That could take awhile. 140 gigs of donkey porn is a lot to sort through.

Or check out my new webcomic:

Around the Network
DMeisterJ said:
rocketpig said:
DMeisterJ said:
gebx said:
ssj12 said:
disolitude said:
PooperScooper said:
Disolitude - not really.

PooperScooper - yes really.

actually.. no...

While I diasagree with Disolutes comment that the conference is more news then Sony and Nintendo combined. I do agree that MS tends to only show off games that are coming out in the near future, unlike Sony who likes to dangle carrots in front of its users.

Fable 2 seems to disagree, as we still don't have a date for that game.

Uncharted was shown last E3 and came out in July...


Molyneux has a presentation in two days specifically about Fable 2. Shocking that MS didn't blow his wad for him two days before his keynote.

Try again. 

How long has Fable 2 been in development, known about, etc?

You try again.

MS tends to only show off games that are coming out in the near future because they were to busy promoting those AAA games in Fall 2007. While on the other hand, Sony had to resort to promoting its 2009 gameing lineup... since freaking 2007.

Don't worry your Final Fantasy is coming!! and you also have a prologue to play..



Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


rocketpig said:
Nope, not a dev. I haven't coded anything game-related more complex than a pathetic Flash game. Since I use Flash a lot for design work, I didn't really care to use it in my free time also and gave up.

I'll definitely be playing with this, though. I will probably have to install Vista on my Mac and clean up HDD space, though. That could take awhile. 140 gigs of donkey porn is a lot to sort through.

Eww... lol.

@ gebx

You're not even worth a response. 

DMeisterJ said:
rocketpig said:
Nope, not a dev. I haven't coded anything game-related more complex than a pathetic Flash game. Since I use Flash a lot for design work, I didn't really care to use it in my free time also and gave up.

I'll definitely be playing with this, though. I will probably have to install Vista on my Mac and clean up HDD space, though. That could take awhile. 140 gigs of donkey porn is a lot to sort through.

Eww... lol.

@ gebx

You're not even worth a response. 

lol, don't pretend you would have one..

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


ClaudeLv250 said:
disolitude said:
ClaudeLv250 said:
disolitude said:
ClaudeLv250 said:
disolitude said:


Do you have an example to prove me wrong? Otherwise you don't really have a point...

ROFFLE! You really do believe what you said...?

Hell, I don't even need to combine Nintendo and Sony, I can use just Nintendo, with their Fall 2007 conference back in October whch consisted of: Monster Hunter 3 coming exclusively to the Wii after having been announced exclusively for the PS3 at least a year before, Fire Emblem DS, SomaBringer for the DS: the first new game announced from Monolith since Nintendo bought them, Eternal Chronicle: another new DS RPG, Mario Baseball for Wii, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles for WiiWare, DS Station demo downloads through your Wii, Pokemon Farm for WiiWare, Sonic in Smash Bros Brawl, Wii Music and that's just the conference. I could use some more examples that came afterwards like Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World coming to NA, or Fatal Frame 4 officially announced and confirmed to be coming to the Wii exclusively with Nintendo producing the game and publishing(with persistent rumors that they may have bought the IP from Tecmo).

Now don't get me wrong, I was underwheled by Microsoft's conference today about I don't think it was "bad" like some users in here do, but if you honestly believe that what they announced today is "more news" than Nintendo's Fall conference let alone Nintendo AND Sony's announcements for the past 6 months combined, you are out of your goddamn mind.

I am aware there are many different types of gamers out there...and that makes our argument completely irelevant. In my eyes stuff you listed there is not big news at all as I don't play RPG games nor have ever played Monster hunter or Fatal Frame series.  I did play GoW tho and loved every minute of it. Also its awesome to know I will be able to play ninja gaiden so soon... as far as XNA news, I want to see how microsoft delivers on that as it could be amazing but also it can go wrong in many different ways. If they don't have set pricing and let small devs set their own, this has huge potential.


No, it makes your argument completely irrlevant because now you're acknowledging that you aren't going by reality because it's not the type of games you want to hear about. Sorry, but if you were arguing from Neva Neva Land you probably should have said from the start that MS had announced more at the conference in Neva Neva Land than Nintendo and Sony combined. Based in reality, I don't quite think that the release date for a game we all knew was coming soon somehow completely negates the announcement of 10+ games and a majo demo download service for the DS. Just no.


LOL, with my last post I was trying to politely say that games you listed are small potatoes compared to GoW and Ninja Gaiden and not big news at all but that I respect your taste in games. If that is news for you, good for you!

ROFFLE! Gears of War is only big in NA, and even then it's outclassed by several 360 games on the hype-o-meter (Halo, GTA, etc.) Monster Hunter is the only thing keeping the PSP alive in Japan and is defying the trend of poor PSP software sales over there. And Ninja Gaiden? LOL!

Oh you're talking sales...right.

Britney Spears and Backstreet Boys sold a lot too...but would their album releases be considered big news? Gears of war and Ninja Gaiden are one of the best reviewed and highest ranked games this and last gen. This is worth noting as well...

Around the Network
gebx said:
DMeisterJ said:
rocketpig said:
Nope, not a dev. I haven't coded anything game-related more complex than a pathetic Flash game. Since I use Flash a lot for design work, I didn't really care to use it in my free time also and gave up.

I'll definitely be playing with this, though. I will probably have to install Vista on my Mac and clean up HDD space, though. That could take awhile. 140 gigs of donkey porn is a lot to sort through.

Eww... lol.

@ gebx

You're not even worth a response. 

lol, don't pretend you would have one..

No, you just like having drama with everyone who doesn't sleep with their 360, and actually sees truth.  But it doesn't really matter.

I didn't want to go into mud-slinging but I have "too" words for you.

Too Human.


disolitude said:
ClaudeLv250 said:
disolitude said:
ClaudeLv250 said:
disolitude said:
ClaudeLv250 said:
disolitude said:


Do you have an example to prove me wrong? Otherwise you don't really have a point...

ROFFLE! You really do believe what you said...?

Hell, I don't even need to combine Nintendo and Sony, I can use just Nintendo, with their Fall 2007 conference back in October whch consisted of: Monster Hunter 3 coming exclusively to the Wii after having been announced exclusively for the PS3 at least a year before, Fire Emblem DS, SomaBringer for the DS: the first new game announced from Monolith since Nintendo bought them, Eternal Chronicle: another new DS RPG, Mario Baseball for Wii, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles for WiiWare, DS Station demo downloads through your Wii, Pokemon Farm for WiiWare, Sonic in Smash Bros Brawl, Wii Music and that's just the conference. I could use some more examples that came afterwards like Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World coming to NA, or Fatal Frame 4 officially announced and confirmed to be coming to the Wii exclusively with Nintendo producing the game and publishing(with persistent rumors that they may have bought the IP from Tecmo).

Now don't get me wrong, I was underwheled by Microsoft's conference today about I don't think it was "bad" like some users in here do, but if you honestly believe that what they announced today is "more news" than Nintendo's Fall conference let alone Nintendo AND Sony's announcements for the past 6 months combined, you are out of your goddamn mind.

I am aware there are many different types of gamers out there...and that makes our argument completely irelevant. In my eyes stuff you listed there is not big news at all as I don't play RPG games nor have ever played Monster hunter or Fatal Frame series.  I did play GoW tho and loved every minute of it. Also its awesome to know I will be able to play ninja gaiden so soon... as far as XNA news, I want to see how microsoft delivers on that as it could be amazing but also it can go wrong in many different ways. If they don't have set pricing and let small devs set their own, this has huge potential.


No, it makes your argument completely irrlevant because now you're acknowledging that you aren't going by reality because it's not the type of games you want to hear about. Sorry, but if you were arguing from Neva Neva Land you probably should have said from the start that MS had announced more at the conference in Neva Neva Land than Nintendo and Sony combined. Based in reality, I don't quite think that the release date for a game we all knew was coming soon somehow completely negates the announcement of 10+ games and a majo demo download service for the DS. Just no.


LOL, with my last post I was trying to politely say that games you listed are small potatoes compared to GoW and Ninja Gaiden and not big news at all but that I respect your taste in games. If that is news for you, good for you!

ROFFLE! Gears of War is only big in NA, and even then it's outclassed by several 360 games on the hype-o-meter (Halo, GTA, etc.) Monster Hunter is the only thing keeping the PSP alive in Japan and is defying the trend of poor PSP software sales over there. And Ninja Gaiden? LOL!

Oh you're talking sales...right.

Britney Spears and Backstreet Boys sold a lot too...but would their album releases be considered big news? Gears of war and Ninja Gaiden are one of the best reviewed and highest ranked games this and last gen. This is worth noting as well...

Actually, I was talking impact. We all knew a Gears sequel was coming. We all knew a Ninja Gaiden sequel would soon as they stopped re-releasing it. We didn't know that Monster Hunter 3 would jump ship from PS3 to the Wii exclusively. We didn't know Fatal Frame would appear exclusively on the Wii. This says a lot more about the state of the industry than people want to admit.

It's nice to know that you keep up with Britney and the Backstreet Boys, though.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

ClaudeLv250 said:
disolitude said:
ClaudeLv250 said:
disolitude said:
ClaudeLv250 said:
disolitude said:
ClaudeLv250 said:
disolitude said:


Do you have an example to prove me wrong? Otherwise you don't really have a point...

ROFFLE! You really do believe what you said...?

Hell, I don't even need to combine Nintendo and Sony, I can use just Nintendo, with their Fall 2007 conference back in October whch consisted of: Monster Hunter 3 coming exclusively to the Wii after having been announced exclusively for the PS3 at least a year before, Fire Emblem DS, SomaBringer for the DS: the first new game announced from Monolith since Nintendo bought them, Eternal Chronicle: another new DS RPG, Mario Baseball for Wii, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles for WiiWare, DS Station demo downloads through your Wii, Pokemon Farm for WiiWare, Sonic in Smash Bros Brawl, Wii Music and that's just the conference. I could use some more examples that came afterwards like Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World coming to NA, or Fatal Frame 4 officially announced and confirmed to be coming to the Wii exclusively with Nintendo producing the game and publishing(with persistent rumors that they may have bought the IP from Tecmo).

Now don't get me wrong, I was underwheled by Microsoft's conference today about I don't think it was "bad" like some users in here do, but if you honestly believe that what they announced today is "more news" than Nintendo's Fall conference let alone Nintendo AND Sony's announcements for the past 6 months combined, you are out of your goddamn mind.

I am aware there are many different types of gamers out there...and that makes our argument completely irelevant. In my eyes stuff you listed there is not big news at all as I don't play RPG games nor have ever played Monster hunter or Fatal Frame series.  I did play GoW tho and loved every minute of it. Also its awesome to know I will be able to play ninja gaiden so soon... as far as XNA news, I want to see how microsoft delivers on that as it could be amazing but also it can go wrong in many different ways. If they don't have set pricing and let small devs set their own, this has huge potential.


No, it makes your argument completely irrlevant because now you're acknowledging that you aren't going by reality because it's not the type of games you want to hear about. Sorry, but if you were arguing from Neva Neva Land you probably should have said from the start that MS had announced more at the conference in Neva Neva Land than Nintendo and Sony combined. Based in reality, I don't quite think that the release date for a game we all knew was coming soon somehow completely negates the announcement of 10+ games and a majo demo download service for the DS. Just no.


LOL, with my last post I was trying to politely say that games you listed are small potatoes compared to GoW and Ninja Gaiden and not big news at all but that I respect your taste in games. If that is news for you, good for you!

ROFFLE! Gears of War is only big in NA, and even then it's outclassed by several 360 games on the hype-o-meter (Halo, GTA, etc.) Monster Hunter is the only thing keeping the PSP alive in Japan and is defying the trend of poor PSP software sales over there. And Ninja Gaiden? LOL!

Oh you're talking sales...right.

Britney Spears and Backstreet Boys sold a lot too...but would their album releases be considered big news? Gears of war and Ninja Gaiden are one of the best reviewed and highest ranked games this and last gen. This is worth noting as well...

Actually, I was talking impact. It's nice to know that you keep up with Britney and the Backstreet Boys, though.


Of course I do. Britney is in my heart, and BS boys are in my soul.

@ claude and disolitude

What the hell are you arguing about? That is an excellent wall of text that you guys have been building.

DMeisterJ said:
gebx said:
DMeisterJ said:
rocketpig said:
Nope, not a dev. I haven't coded anything game-related more complex than a pathetic Flash game. Since I use Flash a lot for design work, I didn't really care to use it in my free time also and gave up.

I'll definitely be playing with this, though. I will probably have to install Vista on my Mac and clean up HDD space, though. That could take awhile. 140 gigs of donkey porn is a lot to sort through.

Eww... lol.

@ gebx

You're not even worth a response. 

lol, don't pretend you would have one..

No, you just like having drama with everyone who doesn't sleep with their 360, and actually sees truth.  But it doesn't really matter.

I didn't want to go into mud-slinging but I have "too" words for you.

Too Human.



Too Human was shown at E3 in 2006 and laugh off the stage for its crappy fps (I believe it chugged at an amazing 15 fps)... and the Developers have stayed quiet and havn't shown the gameplay until.... YESTERDAY!! 

MS hasn't even said a word about Too Human till the start of this year with Kim's interview with MTV.

edit: spelling and sentence structure

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)