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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - The Official Microsoft Keynote Thread

This MS event is a non-event except for the more than expected GoW2 developpement and release date ...

lot of blablabla as always in these type of event

what do you think about the 2-3 new Fable2 features ???

great ? or not ?

Time to Work !

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DMeisterJ said:
gebx said:
ssj12 said:
disolitude said:
PooperScooper said:
Disolitude - not really.

PooperScooper - yes really.

actually.. no...

While I diasagree with Disolutes comment that the conference is more news then Sony and Nintendo combined. I do agree that MS tends to only show off games that are coming out in the near future, unlike Sony who likes to dangle carrots in front of its users.

Fable 2 seems to disagree, as we still don't have a date for that game.

Uncharted was shown last E3 and came out in July...


Uncharted was announced a year and a half before release, Gears of War was announced a year and a half before release.  Resistance was announced in January for a release of Fall, Gears 2 was announced today with a release of November.  Banjo 3 was announced over a year ago and we have yet to see any gameplay footage, much like KZ2 was announced years before release with nothing but CGI.

Both companies have games that are announced long before release and games that are announced at the last minute. 

How long has Fable 2 been in development, known about, etc?

You try again.

It was announced at last year's E3, wasn't it? That's pretty common... BioShock was announced over a year in advance, as are many other games.

How long ago was Killzone 2 announced? 2005? 

Or check out my new webcomic:

Heh people want original games yet when they are given an apportunity they are dismissed as crap before even trying them. So we have more games to play thanks to xnx yet somehow that is a bad thing LOL. Wii already has wiiware coming down and I am sure PSN will do something similar as they had mentioned gaming 3.0. Little big planet is just a small piece of that yet people think is the holy grail user created content though it has literally taken years to make. I am baised since I am excited bout what could come out of those "amatuer" games since only "real" programmers with big budgets have skills to do anything good.

MakingMuscic wins that arguement. - though he forgot halo3...

Around the Network
disolitude said:
ClaudeLv250 said:
disolitude said:
gebx said:
PooperScooper said:
Fable = no release date?
NG2 = June
GeoW = Nov.

Anything we didn't know at the begining of Jan?

Well I don't think anyone expected Gears of War 2 this year...

MS seems to announce games when they are over 50% done where Sony announces them and then starts making them. This conference is more news than Sony and Nintendo had in the last 6 months combined. Why is everyone asking "is that it?"

You must have been living under a rock for those 6 months if you actually believe that.


Do you have an example to prove me wrong? Otherwise you don't really have a point...

ROFFLE! You really do believe what you said...?

Hell, I don't even need to combine Nintendo and Sony, I can use just Nintendo, with their Fall 2007 conference back in October whch consisted of: Monster Hunter 3 coming exclusively to the Wii after having been announced exclusively for the PS3 at least a year before, Fire Emblem DS, SomaBringer for the DS: the first new game announced from Monolith since Nintendo bought them, Eternal Chronicle: another new DS RPG, Mario Baseball for Wii, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles for WiiWare, DS Station demo downloads through your Wii, Pokemon Farm for WiiWare, Sonic in Smash Bros Brawl, Wii Music and that's just the conference. I could use some more examples that came afterwards like Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World coming to NA, or Fatal Frame 4 officially announced and confirmed to be coming to the Wii exclusively with Nintendo producing the game and publishing(with persistent rumors that they may have bought the IP from Tecmo).

Now don't get me wrong, I was underwheled by Microsoft's conference today about I don't think it was "bad" like some users in here do, but if you honestly believe that what they announced today is "more news" than Nintendo's Fall conference let alone Nintendo AND Sony's announcements for the past 6 months combined, you are out of your goddamn mind.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

DMeisterJ said:
rocketpig said:
DMeisterJ said:
gebx said:
ssj12 said:
disolitude said:
PooperScooper said:
Disolitude - not really.

PooperScooper - yes really.

actually.. no...

While I diasagree with Disolutes comment that the conference is more news then Sony and Nintendo combined. I do agree that MS tends to only show off games that are coming out in the near future, unlike Sony who likes to dangle carrots in front of its users.

Fable 2 seems to disagree, as we still don't have a date for that game.

Uncharted was shown last E3 and came out in July...


Molyneux has a presentation in two days specifically about Fable 2. Shocking that MS didn't blow his wad for him two days before his keynote.

Try again. 

How long has Fable 2 been in development, known about, etc?

You try again.

Its not like a 360 gamer was starved for software in the meantime...  So 1 in 10 games gets announced early... Where for ps3 big hit games,  its the for every 10 games that 1 gets released the same year.  I was going to buy PS3 at lauch but it was sold out so I said Ill buy it when I get Killzone and MGS4 come out...still waiting.

rocketpig said:
DMeisterJ said:
@ Rocketpig

I never said I wasn't excited, the particulars of it don't excite me. And I'm more concerned with the "why" right now.


Because it's a bitchin' idea that will bring indy developers to the 360 in droves. 

You are so dense... Why would I care if it goes to 360?  I own one. 

It just seems to me that they are trying to follow in the footsteps of Sony, now trying to do user-created content.  When a few months ago, Epic came out and said that they and Microsoft were having talks about User created content in UTIII, and they didn't want the mods in there.  I never said I hated the idea.  I just was trying to figure out where this sudden dash for User-created content on the 360 came from. 

elnino334 said:
Heh people want original games yet when they are given an apportunity they are dismissed as crap before even trying them. So we have more games to play thanks to xnx yet somehow that is a bad thing LOL. Wii already has wiiware coming down and I am sure PSN will do something similar as they had mentioned gaming 3.0. Little big planet is just a small piece of that yet people think is the holy grail user created content though it has literally taken years to make. I am baised since I am excited bout what could come out of those "amatuer" games since only "real" programmers with big budgets have skills to do anything good.

In fanboy's eyes, why create an original game when you can create a level for an already-established game?

Now that's revolutionary and exciting, despite the fact that I've been playing user-created levels and mods in games since the mid-90s on PC. 

Or check out my new webcomic:

looks like i'm keeping my 360 this year!