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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The 9 Irritating Aspects Of Online Gaming

10.... PEOPLE WITH NO MIC!!!!! how r u gonna spend 600 on a system + 60 on a game and cant spend 19.99 on a mic!?!?!

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2. GOTO 1

kenzomatic said:
11 Cheaters

those who hack the game and turn on invesibility or other annoying features there by making pointless in playing.

 I so agree with that

also i really agree with the excesive swearing thing, the uber nerdy talk and those with no life.. ooh .. and I hate campers on Counter strike !!!!, those guys who stay sit on a corner for like an hour waiting for somebody to pass in front of their eyes, they are so moveless that you may think grass is growing out on their asses

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Sky Render said:
12. Sore losers

There's nothing more lame than an opponent who disconnects on purpose the moment they start losing. If you're going to lose, suck it up and lose. The only thing you're gaining by disconnecting beforehand is a reputation as an unreliable sort who can't see things through even when the chips are down.

I agree with you on that. I don't own too many online games, but when people just quit in the middle of a match, I get really pissed off. This is especially true when I'm playing Guitar Hero III (I don't even play it on Expert, so you shouldn't have to quit...I'm not that good).

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Depends on the type of game you play. Lag is number one issue for Street Fighter 3 on xbox live. Makes me so angry I want to put my kitty in the microwave.

Sore losers are the best...I love when people drop on me. Feels so good knowing i got to them :)

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8. Laaaaaaaag! :

Well, a good gamer, with good skills, interesting to battle against, but fails miserably to even pose a challenge, just because he either has a crappy 56K modem, or lives in the vast
deserts of the (you guessed it) middle east.
Lag issues have been persistent for a long time, and by far the worst sufferers have been us, the gamers in the middle east, who pray everyday, that their ISP’s would provide their countries with a better internet connection.

Lag means that your internet connection is slow, compared to the other people you are playing the game with. This often results in humorous and frustrating situations… Humorous for them, Keyboard-chuckingingly frustrating for you.

“Meh..internet connections shouldn’t hinder one from reaching his true potential!”, you say? Well, you can keep saying that after I shoot your character in the head and tea-bag him a few times before shooting "WTF!PWNED!" on the wall beside him. All this while, you will do nothing but watch the horror as the shots you tried to fire land exactly on your opponent…who was present there 10 seconds ago.

You need to blame physics and the speed of light for lag in the Middle-East, not shitty connection speeds.

Overall, I think the list is rather lame and the jokes are completely obvious, if not juvenile. No offense but ick.

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@rocketpig ? If a internet speed was the speed of light( which it isn't) It could circle the planet 7 times in a second. I'm confused of the meaning of what you said.

sc94597 said:
@rocketpig ? If a internet speed was the speed of light( which it isn't) It could circle the planet 7 times in a second. I'm confused of the meaning of what you said.

Internet connections travel at virtually the speed of light. The slowdown is caused by material slowing it down over cables, atmospheric interference, etc. In theory, an unabated signal would travel at the speed of light. Most console servers people in the ME are playing on are not located in the ME.

Meaning that the signal has to travel to NA or Europe and then back. That takes time. When you're sending packets back and forth constantly, even 1/4 of a second makes some games unplayable, especially if the person you are playing against is less than 250 miles from the server.

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Wow. Excellent list! Pretty much sums up perfectly why I don't play games online at all anymore (with the addition of cheaters and disconnecting sore losers). The only one I disagree with is number 3. If you're playing online games to meet girls, that's just really sad.