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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - New Too Human Screens out of GDC. Best Action-RPG ever?

the artistic style is ................ not inpirated

but mixing different style of game could made a very good game

at least, it will deeper than HeavenlySword and more innovative than DMC4.

Time to Work !

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looks like phantasy star online. Uninspired, generic art and repetitive. Just imo, though.

The character themes look pretty sci-fi, it really does look like an upgraded Phantasy Star :) Which isn't necessarily bad. I'm not digging the environments much, but maybe I got my fill of dark, war torn city-scapes and planets :x

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

I'm pretty skeptical about this game. Hopefully it'll be decent, but it's nowhere near the top of my 360 to-get list.

Why in gods name am i so sceptical about this one? no j/k or sarcasm
I really don't know.

Tempus fugit Nintendo manet.


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