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Forums - Sales Discussion - HD-DVD throws towel in the ring, X360 being outsold Ww by PS3...

starcraft said:
BMaker11 said:

Not neccessarily, as the 360 was outselling the PS3 in NA for all of January, according to ioi, but PS3 had EU and JP which had the 360 outsold total WW.

"A $200 drop in base price, versus a $20 drop in base price (in reality it was two $100 price drops versus one $50 price drop but Sony fans don't like that so its been reworded for their ease of understanding). If its going to take that for Sony to compete I think it's clear they wont be able to keep it up."

Technically the base price was $500, and now the base is $400, so that's not $200. Secondly, the 40GB is not a price cut, it's a new SKU. By your logic, I could technically say that M$ spiked the price of the 360 because they introduced the Elite. And then to get even more technical:

Nov '06 PS3 - $500/$600
Present PS3 - $400/$500

New model =/= price adjustment, whether it be up or down

Actually this was gone over in another thread.  Aside from the fact that the 20gb was available in such limited supply it could be called rare, there was a period in which the 20gb had officially been dropped, but the 60gb hadn't had a price cut.  Therefore, there was a time when the base price was $600.  Lol, you could argue the PS3 briefly got a price INCREASE.

Well, the key words there are "could", "argue" and "briefly" in that last sentence.

But, really your argument is ridiculous anyway. It doesn't matter HOW the PS3 is now outselling the 360, what does matter is the fact that it IS outselling the 360.

And, for what it's worth, I think that the ONLY reason the 360 is ahead of the PS3 is because of its year
headstart. If they were to have both launched at the same time, you can see that the PS3 is tracking ahead
of the 360 in this point in its life. You will also see that not as many games that are exclusive for the 360 now, would have not been exclusive if they both released at the same time, and the PS3 would have had tracked even further ahead.  And you can't use the line "360 sold because
of high quality games" as the only games that have pushed the 360 in any substancial way were Halo 3
and Gears of War. But, none of this matters, as it's not important why the 360 is ahead of the PS3, but what does matter is that it is.

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SamuelRSmith said:
starcraft said:

Actually this was gone over in another thread. Aside from the fact that the 20gb was available in such limited supply it could be called rare, there was a period in which the 20gb had officially been dropped, but the 60gb hadn't had a price cut. Therefore, there was a time when the base price was $600. Lol, you could argue the PS3 briefly got a price INCREASE.

Well, the key words there are "could", "argue" and "briefly" in that last sentence.

But, really your argument is ridiculous anyway. It doesn't matter HOW the PS3 is now outselling the 360, what does matter is the fact that it IS outselling the 360.

And, for what it's worth, I think that the ONLY reason the 360 is ahead of the PS3 is because of its year
If they were to have both launched at the same time, you can see that the PS3 is tracking ahead
of the 360 in this point in its life. You will also see that not as many games that are exclusive for the 360 now, would have not been exclusive if they both released at the same time, and the PS3 would have had tracked even further ahead. And you can't use the line "360 sold because
of high quality games" as the only games that have pushed the 360 in any substancial way were Halo 3
and Gears of War. But, none of this matters, as it's not important why the 360 is ahead of the PS3, but what does matter is that it is.

To me it matters why it's outselling the 360 right now because it's something that will change by the end of February and the PS3 fanboys are all going ZOMG PS3 DOMINATION HAZ BEGUNZ!!!!

As for the ONLY reason the 360 is ahead?  It doesn't matter HOW the Xbox 360 is outselling the PS3, what does matter is the fact that it IS outselling the PS3.;) 

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

^ And that's what I said, at the end of the paragraph.

And, how can you be so sure that it's going to end February? Sure, the gap will increase in America again, once Microsoft get stock issues solved. But, it could be too late in Europe by then, as the PS3 was already outselling it before stock issues, and the PS3s been given an easy to chance to gain momentum there. And, well, Japan, let's not bother.

WW the PS3 will still be outselling the 360 in March, even if the gap in America grows again.

Yes sorry I agree with you. I meant that the 360 will regain it's NA momentum. I agree that it will probably continue to come in behind the PS3 in Europe. Though it could be close in Japan;)

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

I completly disagree about Japan. I think the PS3 will stabalise at around 15k a week up until the release of the 'big guns' (typing the names is pointless, and boring for you to read), which will see typical 'big gun' spikes.

360 remain at around 3.5k for the rest of the generation, fluctuating throughout the year. A mild success for Microsoft.

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MS needs to hurry and include BR-player in their next version/Sku of 360.

Nothing's cheaper than something free.

F1 vs FOTA, when too much power is in couple peoples hands.


SamuelRSmith said:
I completly disagree about Japan. I think the PS3 will stabalise at around 15k a week up until the release of the 'big guns' (typing the names is pointless, and boring for you to read), which will see typical 'big gun' spikes.

360 remain at around 3.5k for the rest of the generation, fluctuating throughout the year. A mild success for Microsoft.

Er, mate? The wink symbol meant it was a sarcastic joke.  The Xbox 360 has NO chance of matching the PS3 in Japan.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

SamuelRSmith said:

But, really your argument is ridiculous anyway. It doesn't matter HOW the PS3 is now outselling the 360, what does matter is the fact that it IS outselling the 360.

I couldn't disagree more. If, for example, the PS3 was selling well because retailers decided to dump it and were slashing prices to move stock, then  short term bump would not be seen as a good thing. Of course that's NOT the case, but it does seem as though there is a 360 supply problem right now. The question is why? If MS is preparing new models at new prices, that could make this sales trend no more than a temporary blip.

For some reason, the 360 is a very US-centric console.

Here in Australia, I often ask people about consoles and the conversation is only ever about the PS3 or Wii. It's like the 360 just doesn't exist.

"It's such a fine line between stupid, and clever." - Spinal Tap

And the saga continues.....

iWillCrushAllWhoDefyMe!                                                                           PN ID- DrivenToExcell -if you want to add me to your friends list tell me where you know me from(vgchartz)