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Forums - Sales Discussion - HD-DVD throws towel in the ring, X360 being outsold Ww by PS3...

PS3, most likely the biggest reason why Blu-ray won over Hd-DVD is now tracking higher in Weekly sales over the 360... Is this a turning point?... Is this the time in which PS3 wil gain some momentum in favour of the X360?... And will it's (X360's) sales slumper as the competing HD media-format just threw the towel in the ring?... Will X360 do the same numbers as the Xbox? or will Microsoft be able to keep it going?...



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xbox is going down ps3 is going up even before the blu-ray win so now its really over... xbox needs halo 4 and 5 next week......

Lol. A $200 drop in base price, versus a $20 drop in base price (in reality it was two $100 price drops versus one $50 price drop but Sony fans don't like that so its been reworded for their ease of understanding).  If its going to take that for Sony to compete I think it's clear they wont be able to keep it up.

Coming up this year (starting very soon) we have two strong line-ups for two strong consoles. Even before all the delays started being announced I though MS easily matched Sony's line-up for quality, and now FFXIII and GoW3 delayed with GT5 likely to follow, I think it matches it for system-sellers as well.

It is quite obvious that PS3's victory this week in NA was due to the strong shortages the Wii and 360 are facing, which are forecast to continue to the end of February for Microsoft, and the end of time for the Wii.

With the only complete version of GTAIV on Xbox 360 in April, a large advertising budget, a price cut imminent and new bundles/SKU's apparently being the cause of the shortage, I'd say the Microsoft machine will be fine.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Starcraft how can titles with no release date be delayed?

StarcraftManiac said:

PS3, most likely the biggest reason why Blu-ray won over Hd-DVD is now tracking higher in Weekly sales over the 360... Is this a turning point?... Is this the time in which PS3 wil gain some momentum in favour of the X360?... And will it's (X360's) sales slumper as the competing HD media-format just threw the towel in the ring?... Will X360 do the same numbers as the Xbox? or will Microsoft be able to keep it going?...


I don't think there is a turning point. The tide has been changing for the PS3 a long time coming, and it's still going to take a long time before X360 totally slumper.

And MS will rise to a real fight. A lot of surprises (tie-ins, exclusives, on-line stuff) coming up. So it won't be easy for PS3 to sweep the floor. Certainly, PS3 has momentum, but there is a real fight coming up.

Lost my faith in VGChartz. Too many stupid and ignorant Americans, even as moderators.

It's a shame, really. "The Boss" should do something radical about this Americanization, but it seems hardly feasible, so my days here are numbered.


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Why would X360 sales decrease on a format that wasn't forced onto it's owners?

Now Microsoft looks like the genius because they didn't force HD-DVD on it's owners.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

@Mr ball
Wouldn't say genius. But i do agree it would change the war. But if xbox360 Hd DVD maybe it would have been different.

White, either way, it shows foresight with MS's decision. Everyone here panned MS for not including a HD-DVD with the system. Had that happened, there'd be MAJOR fallout for the X360 since it's optical format would then become the now-gen GBROM that the Dreamcast had.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

Nah. It can be argued that the PS3 helped force the more expensive hd format Blu-Ray on consumers, because it was like Sony said, 5 million idiots would have, and did, bought their console whether it had good games and a fair price or not.

But the second iteration of the Xbox never had that brand loyalty, and couldn't have sold that many consoles if it had been $200 more due to HD DVD. Instead, it sold on the power of quality games.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Well MS have done really well the got in early have huge US numbers and are making heaps - The strategy to leave of HD-DVD worked in their favour it kept their console cheap and allowed it to launch 12 months ahead of the PS3 it was a pity the RROD cost them big but overall 360 will hold the lead in US software for another year till the Wii takes it away.

All the boots in PS3's for the last 3 weeks is as blu-ray players - it wont sell any games software at all.

PS3 number 1 fan