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Forums - Sony Discussion - Final Fantasy XIII delayed until Spring 2010?

Hopefully BS...

Tempus fugit Nintendo manet.


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With the PS3 practically dying in Japan, it doesn't surprise me if developers start getting conscious about where they spend their money.

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

my life is falling apart =(

Wada said just last week that he was concerned about releasing DQIX and FFXIII in the same year, this year, so I think this rumor is a load of crock. In saying that, it wouldn't surprise me if it turned out to be true, Square Enix have proved to be totally worthless in regards to making console games this gen. It's like they don't exist to do anything beside talk...

PooperScooper said:


Crusty VGchartz old timer who sporadically returns & posts. Let's debate nebulous shit and expand our perpectives. Or whatever.

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DAMN Blaydcor you caught me.

To any doubters: what do we know about FFXIII?

  1. The main character is a chick
  2. It takes place in a technology based world as opposed to a typical fantasy based world
  3. Supposedly a new story and characters.
  4. They plan to milk this thing on a FFVII level
  5. ...

Did I miss anything?

Now, what do we know about any other game coming in 2008? A lot more.

What do we know about most 2009 games? About this level of information for just announced late 2009 games or more.

What do we know about 2010 games? About that level of information.


And just to justify my extreme distrust of this game: I was wary of the game years ago the moment they said they planned to make the Crystal Novella (or whatever it was called) world the next FFVII.  You should generally release your game and then worry about milking it for all it's worth, not the other way around. 


March 2010 is 25 months away. Do you really think that they'd decide this early to delay the game for that long? This is a pretty unbelievable rumor. Even if the game was having tons of problems, and they were planning to delay it yet again, they wouldn't decide this early. They'd shoot for the best, and if another delay was necessary they'd decide sometime in 2009.

And we know the game isn't vaporware, because they've already unveiled multiple characters, so we know that they have the basic story fleshed out, and because they've almost completed the White Engine. They're even supposed to be demonstrating the Engine at GDC.

I could've sworn that a week or so ago I read an article in which the dev team promised that the game will hit the stores by the end of the year,,,did any one else read that article??