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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Your Preference - Longer or Shorter Games?

Depends on the game. Definitely longer than 8 hours. (Bad bad bad bad value for your money).

If the gameplay mechanics are fun, longer (Basic Halo gameplay mechanics are awesome for example, I never tire of stomping out enemy groups so it could use more filler). If I only play because of the story, then as long as the story is fun.

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I agree that it all depends on the game and genre. I think that (for example) Call of Duty 4, while very short, provides a better experience than many other FPS games out there. It has multiplayer to help offset the singleplayer, but I'm taking this thread as talking about singleplayer games so I wont go into that.

FPSs - 15 - 30 hours

RPGs - 50 - 90 hours.

If the stories are good, I would be happy longer then above. An RPG that's 120+ hours though would be way to long.

RTS - screw length, give me multiplayer

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Should be longer. I realized this when I looked at my play time in The Godfather: Blackhand Edition. I loved that game, and now I can't play it, because it's so short and has almost no replayability once you beat it.




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That really depends what kind of game it is, games like GoW would be really boring if they were like 50-60+ hours I think those games have the perfect lenght...

And games like FF would be really boring if they were 10-20 hours...

Short games with replayability is alot better than long games. online multiplayer shooters or party games you can play over and over again is alot better than a rpg that you play once or maybe twice then shelve it.

That's why I say it depends on the type of game. For example, I've played Counter-Strike, TFC (now TF2), and Battlefield 2 for years despite any actual single player merit (aside from some bots).

Long games like Okami.
Short Games: Something with multiplayer.

PSN ID: clemens-nl                                                                                                                

I like games that you can enter and exit with relative ease. I like RPGs -- but usually ones where I only have to play for an hour at a time. Life intrudes sometimes.

Mike from Morgantown

Who is trying to find the time for the final 2-3 hour battle to finally finish DQ8.


I am Mario.

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