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Forums - Gaming Discussion - MAximo 3........WHY???

no not hard why does every one think its hard


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Well ,it was a 3D Ghost and Ghoblins ....of course it was hard !!

I do not like the Maximo games.

I never owned a PS2, but played a demo of the first one at a wal-mart. I think I would of very much liked those games.

They should port 1 and 2 to the Wii. Capcom seems to be having a lot of success with that. Somebody, quick, make a petition.

BTW: I beat Ghost and Gobins (NES) and Super Ghouls and Ghosts (SNES). So I probably would of really liked the Maximo games. Here's to Wii ports!!!

revived for fagarcia

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another example of a game that should have never went 3D....

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!

