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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - IGN (semi-)preview of Fatal Frame IV: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse

I'm too much of a wuss to play the horror titles but I'll probably pick this up if it turns out to be good. I could get some friends together and we can pass the 'mote around to share in the scariness.

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What I wonder though is how much Suda 51 is going to change it up? The combination of Tecmo, Nintendo and Suda 51 all behind Fatal Frame is just too much greatness for one game. It's just so hard to get hyped over something without any tangible info yet. Hopefully by E3 this game will partly headline with a trailer.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

I always wanted to play a Fatal Frame game, but never owned a PS2 or Xbox. I'm glad this announcement was made.

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It's about time for developers to start realising that putting the same amount of time and effort on to the Wii produces at least as good a game as for the HD consoles, only for cheaper and there will be more people buying it.

Still, it looks like Tecmo had some doubts, so Nintendo offered to share the risks by publishing the game. Sponsoring un-Nintendoish games on the Wii is probably the smartest thing they can do at this point, aside from increasing supply.