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What I'm wondering is if Wii and Xbox360 shipments were affected by the new year storms in China.

 With a holiday slowdown at the factories, combined with the bad weather, was a shipment or 2 screwed up, and that is just being felt now?

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(*) (*)
-------- .... w.t.f?!


So much delusion in this thread, when just last week the Wii sold over 200,000 units in the same market. Even ioi walking in here and telling us there were no major Wii shipments isn't shutting some people up.

The PS3 is doing well, but it's only up 10%. Strong and steady, but not a blockbuster week.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

It's blockbuster considering it beat both other consoles, something that wasn't thought possible for the past year, even though there were great circumstances which helped it...

i love pizza

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


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Love is a strong word. I would go with "I really enjoy pizza" myself.

Very interesting indeed. Good job PS3.

Can't wait for the software numbers.

LOL great numbers. I know nintendo isn't able to produce enough but it is funny to see a thousand fanboys squirm. I would really like to know how this board would change if "omg nintendo destroys all" would end. Ok this is a bit cruel

Nintendo does not stockpile over 100k units 3 weeks before brawl.

No stockpiling:

ZenfoldorVGI said:
@DMeisterJ & Crazzy

A. I know this is obvious and it doesn't need saying, but if you somehow believe that the reason for the Wii's units this week isn't supply contrainment, in the US, then your fucking kidding yourselves.

B. Prodding the Nintendo fanboys is against the law.

C. Why you gotta act like a bitch?

You know good and goddamn well that last week when the Wii sold 200 plus k, we weren't all up in the forums talking shit about Sony. There are a select few assholes who deserve the treatment your giving, just make sure that you don't become like them yourselves, and start treating the Nintendo audience, which is the majority around here, with the same respect that they treat you with, and we'll all be happy.

Good job this week Sony PS3. Good job this week Nintendo DS. Besides speculation as to why the numbers were this way, which is expected, why is flaming people who are speculating, and fucking *hyuk-hyuk* laughing it up, like you don't obviously know exactly why the numbers appear as they do, not worth getting in your asses over?

Duh, I know it's supply constraint, I'm more worried about why.  And don't give me that "Stockpiling excuse"