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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Titanfall launch trailer

Campaign might be surprisingly epic.

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tuesday needs to hurry up and get here

Azerth said:
tuesday needs to hurry up and get here

I'm going to be at work until 2am or so Tuesday morning but will start my download the second I walk into the door. Then I'll have GOTG dreams and wake up and live those dreams.

Looks great. I hope origin server dont screw the pc version. BTW they have clearly stated the the video is from Xbox One version. Dont want to nitpick but that video also has 1080p streaming option. Kinda feels stupid to see the trailer in 1080p.

That was pretty much everything I dislike about trailers, and I felt did not show off the game well at all.

I've been watching a lot of videos of TitanFall recently and my interest was definitely piqued. I can see a PC purchase down the line if there's a decent enough sale. The pace and options (wall running actually seems like it could be quite game changing) available to you, although iterative, looks like a large amount of fun. I still enjoy the Call of Duty formula so an evolution over that is something I could get behind.

I suppose this trailer showed that aspect in that it looked like a Call of Duty trailer - epic music; slow-mo; explosions etc. I don't really know how I'd have done it better to show off the game more.

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Kresnik said:

That was pretty much everything I dislike about trailers, and I felt did not show off the game well at all.

I've been watching a lot of videos of TitanFall recently and my interest was definitely piqued. I can see a PC purchase down the line if there's a decent enough sale. The pace and options available you, although iterative, looks like a large amount of fun. I still enjoy the Call of Duty formula so an evolution over that is something I could get behind.

I suppose this trailer showed that aspect in that it looked like a Call of Duty trailer - epic music; slow-mo; explosions etc. I don't really know how I'd have done it better to show off the game more.

Off topic. Respawn guys are really awesome. Back in 2011 in my MBA course I choose "vince zampella" to do a project. I emailed them and they were surprisingly helpful. They gave me lots of video link. Thanks to them I did my project properly.

I can see a sequel having a single player mode depending on popularity, nice trailer.

Mother of God that was awesome.

Straight into my veins now.

This game should comfortably hammer in the last nail in the coffin of the PS4 in the US

looks good!