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Forums - Sales Discussion - Unreal Tournament 3 on PS3 : million seller !!

I've just realised that even though UT3 PS3 hasn't been released in Europe yet, the 1.2M almost certainly includes PAL shipments, as it gets released there this week.

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tombi123 said:

why would they ship so many if it bombed in NA?

Clearly because they believe outside US (where PS3 / 360 split is very different) and FPS can sell well it has a much better chance of selling better than in US...  And in a short period of time we'll know if they're right.

It will definately sell better on PC outside US just like Crysis so total sales are sure to be acceptable if not stellar (IMHO).

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

You made the most obvious and logical calculation. The article is wrong, or mistranslated, or just PLAIN BS!

thats bolth of the versoins