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Forums - General Discussion - What is Your Favourite Accent?

English accent Turns me on like crazy ;( My one weekness

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MaxwellGT2000 said:
On guys I like to hear the Aussies, I love listening to Steve Irwin talk on his old shows, lots of Aussies I've met are pretty cool people and usually nice.
"Knife? That's not a knife. *pulls out combat knife* THIS is a knife"
It just doesn't work for girls though.

A lot of people not from US seems to like Southern accents =D too bad Northern US looks down on us Southerners a lot of the time thinking we're hicks.

 thats not  a knife... thats a spoon.. ohh i see you've played knifey spoony before :D

American/English,French & Swedish girls when they are speaking German.
Adorability at its best.

Tempus fugit Nintendo manet.


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