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Forums - Sony Discussion - it´s Home really going to take of?...

I don't believe Second Life is all that popular. There are a few dedicated users and a whole lot of people that tried it a couple times then never played it again. I think the reported numbers on Second Life usage are not at all accurate since the company has a vested interest in reporting more users, even if the majority are inactive accounts.

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Heck yeah! We'll make a VGchartz Home lounge! Where all VGchartz members with a PS3 can meet and chat and plot pranks for all the rest of you!

PSN ID: Sorrow880

Gamertag: Sorrow80

Wii #: 8132 1076 3416 7450

FishyJoe said:
I don't believe Second Life is all that popular. There are a few dedicated users and a whole lot of people that tried it a couple times then never played it again. I think the reported numbers on Second Life usage are not at all accurate since the company has a vested interest in reporting more users, even if the majority are inactive accounts.

Fishy, there are people who are real life rich off the Second Life economy. It definitely has a lot of users.


And ss, yes child safety is a big concern. Adults and underage kids will be communicating and sharing all manner of content. If you wanted to try and lure a child, what better place would there be?  

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

I recall people from Sony saying something like that they were going to be tough on people who are causing trouble for others within Home.

At first I was thinking it wouldn't take off at all, but then I found out about Second Life.

They have some strange people out there. 0_o

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I seriously doubt it... I mean, it seems like something that would be cool to try out for a few hours.. but it would probably get boring very quickly.


There's no place like home I always say. This is the system seller and the thing PS3 needs to anihilate the Wii. The 360 needs Halo 4 and Gears 2 to kill the Wii.

what people have to realize is that home isnt some addicting game or a mmo or something. its an upgrade to sonys online service anda better way to chat and interact with people. home will be a system seller, because people will be like " hey that looks cool, and its free to!"

I think this will be more of a 'Game Seller' rather than a 'System Seller'. It will make some people choose the PS3 version of multiplatform games for the unlockable items and trophies, similar to how some people buy the X360 version to get achievements.


I think it could go either way. I'm most concerned with everyone comparing it to Second Life. It's an addictive wasteland of people trying to find self esteem and sexual pleasure in an online community, not in real life, online. I want a PS3 but if Home is anything like Second Life, i'll be staying far away from it. I'm pretty sure Sony won't build it exactly like Second Life, but comparing Home to Second Life is putting a bad stigma on Home. That place is overrun with gamblers, thieves, pedophiles, hookers and perverts. I really hope Sony isn't trying to build comparisons to Second Life themselves and this is just you guys making the comparisons. Anybody who isn't too familar with Second Life should wikipedia it, it's quite disturbing.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.