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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - What if it wasn't Red? or a Ring?

Grey Acumen said:

Threads are still popping up about Red Ring of Death, either claims that it is still happening, that's it's been eradicated entirely, or just that it never should have happened in the first place. It'll probably be a good year or two before Microsoft is able to shake off the backlash of that whole incident.

The question that I'm curious of is if RRoD would have been as quick to catch on if it had been some other shape or color that came up.


Green Bar of Death?

Purple Pentagon of Death? Pink?

Indigo Trapezod of Death?

Blue-Murder Triangle?


What other possibilities do people think might have had a shot at fame, or perhaps allowed the whole incident to soar under the radar because of how awkward it is to say?


 How about the periwinkle nonagon of doom?