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Forums - General Discussion - How many MP3 owners watch movies on your device?

I watch South Park on my iPod on the bus to the university

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I have a Samsung P2 touchscreen, and I don't watch movies on it.
There are some videos on it right now, like my favourite music videos (which I also have in mp3 to listen), some comedy (including Dave Chapelle and some Russel Peters) but I plan on getting rid of the comedy, as they are big files and I don't really find them funny after watching it for teh 30th time D:
Movies, not really, mostly because the painful conversion process to get them on my P2.
...And that's about it!


RolStoppable said:
I own MP3 and I don't watch movies on my device, because the Wii doesn't support DVD playback and I don't own an SD card yet.

But if you own Corruption you rather play the game than thinking about watching a movie.

Oh! Now you've done it!

*Rolls up sleeves*


I synced up Hot Fuzz onto my iPod. But I mainly use the video features for film/tv clips, and a few TV episodes, for car journeys. I can't stare at that small screen whilst in a car for too long. Anymore than 20-25 minutes, and I start getting heaches. That's perfect Simpsons watching time.

Also, my iPod has become so much cooler now that I have discovered a way a to sync it with Windows Media Player. Rather than iTunes, man... how I hate that app.