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Forums - Sony Discussion - Is Killzone 2 destined for failure :-(

Its been a good while since we have seen anything promising from this game. I think it will be pretty, but the framerate will most likely be horrible. Sure they will delay it until its ready, but how much polishing can you really do after you are so far in development?

This was supposed to be one of the biggest hitters, if not the biggest in the shooter genre for the PS3, but I have lost all hope for this title. Is there a chance they are just holding off any previews until its almost completed so then can amaze the nay-sayers? Or do you think the project is so upside down that they can't find a positive preview that won't do more to hurt its image than help it?

Either way we need something ASAP, because RFOM2 is taking its place as the shooter to look out for on the PS3.

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I wrote a message but accidently erased it.

Anyway, how would rushing this game out help it? Bad framerate? Says who?

jandre .. just let them develop the game - the more time they spend on showing/promoting it, the less they have to develop it/make it a good game

Honestly soriku, if the graphics are so amazing it wont even be looked at if everything else is terrible. Lair looks better than uncharted by miles, but no one really looks at that game since its barely mediocore.

Same will likely go to killzone 2 if it turns out to be a Lair. Though with all the hype around it, we will have to see what happens.


 2008 end of year predictions:

PS3: 22M

360: 25M

wii: 40M

I can not believe how mnay threads there have been debating how good this game will be, when none of us have played it.

Save your time. Wait til it's out. Or at least fully reviewed.

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have faith. I'm sure sony won't let this game be either shitty or unoticed.


When a game as big as killzone goes dark for months and months, its never a good sign. It could be possible that they are just going dark so when the game is released its that much more impressive, but with Killzone it doesn't seem to be helping Sony to do that.

The game was scheduled to be released next month wasn't it? Yet we haven't even seen anything significant since E3. Even if they had small parts to hype up the game it would help. It has gone from being the most hyped PS3 game to not even being mentioned by Sony PR in upcoming games lists.

Im not saying I have played it and it sucks, im saying that usually when a game goes from being super-hyped, to delayed and not even talked about its not a good thing. And the framerate comment comes from people who have seen the game in play. It was early in development of course, but it still had huge issues nonetheless.

Shooters are a hard thing to sell since its been done and redone for quite some time now, basically the exact same game mechanics and point and view etc.

Unless killzone's graphics and gameplay excells past what is out now it wont sell well and will be a dissapointment.

I say all sony made shooters suck except Socom.. now thats a true Playstation shooter.

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



weezy said:

Shooters are a hard thing to sell since its been done and redone for quite some time now, basically the exact same game mechanics and point and view etc.

Unless killzone's graphics and gameplay excells past what is out now it wont sell well and will be a dissapointment.

I say all sony made shooters suck except Socom.. now thats a true Playstation shooter.

Socom 2 = greatest shooter ever. Socom is the reason i HAD to pick PS3 over 360.

Quality wise it'll probably fall somewhere between the first Killzone and Resistance. It is certain that there will be better PS3 shooters, but expectations being lowered for Killzone 2 might be a good thing for it.