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Forums - Sony Discussion - Outlast Runs at 1080p@60fps on PS4

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Kyuu said:
Xenostar said:
Kyuu said:
"Expected because the only last-gen game on PS4 is Battlefield 4 for now."

I tell you what, The Last Guardian on PS4 will run at 900p (if not 720p) because otherwise really wont make the jump look very big from PS3. What's the point of increasing resolution when the graphics are hardly improved?

Resolution is misleading. It's wrong to judge the game straightaway according to its resolution rather than the level of detail and effects.

lol Wut?

Were all those PS2 HD remakes on PS3, still 480P "When the graphics are hardly improved"

Definatly the mose nonsence post ive read today.

Ethomas seems to hate the idea of games not running at 1080p and I find that pretty ridiculous. If a said game runs at 720p for the purpose of harnessing the extra flops to enhance authentic graphical elements and calucations like adding details and particles, it'd be the much better approach in my opinion.

You sacrifice some resoultion for graphical fidelity. I'm sure that's not as nonsensical as your horrible grammar.

Oh i see your suggesting PS4 will also have to start dropping resolution just to increase the base level of effects like the Xbox one did on its earlier titles, i doubt it i dont think a 1080p framebuffer is that much of a bottle neck for PS4 long term.


BF4 is just a mess it was rushed out for xmas, the amount of bugs the game has proves this, its no wonder they spent little time on rendering optomizations when you cant even play it online for more than an hour still.

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Kyuu said:

Ethomas seems to hate the idea of games not running at 1080p and I find that pretty ridiculous. If a said game runs at 720p for the purpose of harnessing the extra flops to enhance authentic graphical elements and calucations like adding details and particles, it'd be the much better approach in my opinion.

You sacrifice some resoultion for graphical fidelity. I'm sure that's not as nonsensical as your horrible grammar.

The actual gen needs to have a evolution over the old one in all aspects... 720 was what we have with PS360... the mininum standard is 1080p while the PC goes to 4K.