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Forums - General Discussion - Say something about the person posting above you!!!

He likes Kirby, he is a cool guy. I fell for one of his "alts".

"I've Underestimated the Horse Power from Mario Kart 8, I'll Never Doubt the WiiU's Engine Again"

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kirby007 said:
HAS fooled me into looking for LOKE the superman.
Dunno if that means im dumb or he is just smart

None. I'm just in the mood for games. ;)

EDIT The person above earns my respect just for having an anime avatar.

This, I stole from grandpa...It's called soap.

I think he writes great reviews. Too bad I can't understand a word of it!

loves japanese games

loves naked warriros

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he loves sleeping dogs! so do i!

AwakeandAlive said:
loves naked warriros

Has the same respect for Nintendo as me.

Darn! Beaten again!

This, I stole from grandpa...It's called soap.

i meant wright.but aviggo77 has a good enough avy.and he is just a spambot(lol)

this thread is!!damn!!!yoohoo!!!!

+1 for replying himself :P