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Forums - Sony Discussion - inFamous: Second Son Accolades Trailer

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Infamous was my favorite 7th gen new IP.
hyped as fuck

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vivster said:
TheBlackNaruto said:

Okay I am confused because if I were to go by your first post stating "And yet it won't get the review ratings it deserves." it seems as if you are saying it looks good and are excited for it. Then you say it has better destruction at the price of "boring" powers which is odd. Because honestly NONE of the powers or gameplay that they have shown looks "boring" what so ever. I mean YOU may PERSONALLY feel that nothing can beat electrical powers but others feel different. I like what they have shown so far the powers are not "typical" powers so they look cool.

As for the "a douche protagonist and a less interesting city to explore." he dpoesn't seem to be a "douche" at all he just seems young and loving his powers while upset at how his "kind"are being treated adn targeted which is a good thing. And we can't speak on the city as of yet so no big deal there.

I guess what you are saying is just confusing, I respect your opinion though either way. And I guess it is good you have love expectations so that the game can surprise you...or it could make it so that you don't enjoy it all because you are already down playing it and have decided that it will eb bad(compared to 1&2). It is a double edged sword but either way I say give the game a try and afterwards make all those conclusions...once it comes out of course lol!

Well I guess I come of as a bit Infamous bashing here.

To make it clear I love infamous. I loved it since I saw the first trailer of the very first game. It was mindblowing and awesome fun. Then I had very high expectations for Infamous 2. They were exceeded. The most fun I ever had in an open world game(yes even more than AC or SR4 , other open world franchises I adore). A big part of this was the electrical power. Something that had never been done before. I love my games unique. In the new Infamous these are traded in for generic fire power and generic energy power. There may be more but I can't judge something I haven't seen.

 Deslin might become something more than just a douche but that still doesn't make him a Cole. A much more relatable character in my opinion.

As for the city, I just don't think you can get more divers than a flooded New Orleans. I just can't see Seattle as such a colorful and varied city.

The trailers and gameplayvideos I saw for Infamous 1 and 2 made me excited and hyped and I was rewarded. The scenes for the new game did not and that makes me doubt the game.

Infamous SS is still my most anticipated game for 2014 by far but with the stuff I've seen so far it will have a hard time beating the first 2 games. And seeing how the previous games have only scored in the low 80s I have not much hope  for the reviews either. Sure they will probably be a bit higher but that's just because of the hype connected to the PS4. I don't think game critics will ever get how amazing this franchise is.

have you been to seatle?   the city is gorgeous. 

in some previous interview they talked about how they went around to local businesses and asked if they wanted to be featured in this game.   i think that's really cool that real landmarks will be featured here.   i live in chicago and when i saw my local park featured in Watch Dogs i went nuts with anticipation.  also, seatle is a much more vertical city than new orleans and i think that will suit this game very well.  but in the end, just put some trust in SP.  they made amazing improvements from inFamous 1 to 2 and the same guys are working on this one. 

i have not particular love or hate for electricity but i have to say i love the powers i've seen so far.   there is a huge focus on mobility and interactivity with the environment.  i think that's amazing.  my absolute favorite thing in infamous 2 was just traversing the city with ice launch and grind the power lines.  watching delsin traverse the rooftops as if the air were water and he's swimming across it.   o.m.g. i love it.

as a fellow infamous fanatic, i just really, really think that once you get your hands on this you'll love it.

kitler53 said:

have you been to seatle?   the city is gorgeous.

in some previous interview they talked about how they went around to local businesses and asked if they wanted to be featured in this game.   i think that's really cool that real landmarks will be featured here.   i live in chicago and when i saw my local park featured in Watch Dogs i went nuts with anticipation.  also, seatle is a much more vertical city than new orleans and i think that will suit this game very well.  but in the end, just put some trust in SP.  they made amazing improvements from inFamous 1 to 2 and the same guys are working on this one.

i have not particular love or hate for electricity but i have to say i love the powers i've seen so far.   there is a huge focus on mobility and interactivity with the environment.  i think that's amazing.  my absolute favorite thing in infamous 2 was just traversing the city with ice launch and grind the power lines.  watching delsin traverse the rooftops as if the air were water and he's swimming across it.   o.m.g. i love it.

as a fellow infamous fanatic, i just really, really think that once you get your hands on this you'll love it.

I won't argue that I will love it. I probably will.

More vertical sounds great because climbing is my most favourite thing in any open world game. I wonder how they will replace the power grind. The air vents seem already so scripted that it breaks the immersion. I hope they will not be at every corner.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

kitler53 said:
deskpro2k3 said:
Day 1.

i just hope i can find a ps4 in time to be there day 1.   i didn't think i'd have any problems holding off pre-ordering a day-1 ps4.   now i'm not so sure.

It depends on how bad you want one. If you wait until the day the game comes out,then that could be an issue. If you check the normal outlets every week,starting now,then you should be able to get one. 

oldschoolfool said:
kitler53 said:
deskpro2k3 said:
Day 1.

i just hope i can find a ps4 in time to be there day 1.   i didn't think i'd have any problems holding off pre-ordering a day-1 ps4.   now i'm not so sure.

It depends on how bad you want one. If you wait until the day the game comes out,then that could be an issue. If you check the normal outlets every week,starting now,then you should be able to get one. 

ideally, i'd like to order an infamous bundle that amazon delivers to me on the day infamous comes out.  i have backlog to take care of right now and a personality that can't go back to "lesser" toys once a newer, better toy is availible.