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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Next Pokemon game: X 2/Y 2 or Z, which one do you think Gamefreak will make?

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Lelouch_Vi_Brittania said:
Dude, just look at AZ, they explained next to nothing of that guys's story, I'm pretty sure the next game wiill be either a sequel or a prequel, the name really won't matter.

Now that you say this, I think I'm more convinced that it will be a sequel.

P.S. Your sig is awesome, they did a great job with the 3D models of the pokemon

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My theory:
While X and Y represent 2D axis (as known), we need the third axis, Z.

But I think the axis Z can be represented in other way: XZ and YZ are plans, they incercept each other in a axis: the axis Z.
So, Pokemon XZ and YZ would represent the axis Z and also it continues the tendency os making 2 games.

I think that Zygarde will megaevolve with a Zygardite X and Zygardite Y.
Cos repeat the fusion of xerneas and yveltal (like in BW2) is so mainstream, and megaevolution is thefeature added this generation.

If I have to guess between the two, I would say X2/Y2 for two reasons.

1. Two games brings more income than one.
2. Zygarde imo is to boring of a pokémon imo to star a game.


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