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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - What dormant Nintendo IP do you want next on Wii U


Which one would you choose

waverace 13 7.47%
1080 snowboarding 3 1.72%
custom robo 6 3.45%
f-zero 50 28.74%
wario world 2 3 1.72%
diddy kong racing 6 3.45%
starfox 92 52.87%

Recently Nintendo has been guilty of neglecting some of their most loved franchises but they went some way to redeeming themselves last year with  new installments of pikmin and luigi's mansion after 9 and 12 years respectively. Hopefully this trend continues so here is a poll of absent games that I think need to return,  which one would you like to see the most?

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Id like to see a new Starfox like the N64 and Snes versions. Not the GC one that was rubbish. I am gonna buy Crimson Dragon on Xbox One because I like this sort of game.

F-Zero, there hasn't been a game since GX on the GameCube, atleast Starfox got a (bad, but it still counts) DS game, and a 3DS remake, F-Zero hasn't really seen anything.
also, Metroid is not a dormant IP as it saw 3-4 games per generation for a while now.

The IP per se isn´t exactly dormant, but I really want a new 2D Metroid for a home console, not a handheld.

If I had to choose between a new 2D Metroid and a new Prime for the Wii U, I´d definitely choose the former.

I would like to see a new Star Fox like the N64 game other than that I just want new 3d Metroid game even though it wasn't that long ago we got one but it is still pretty long for me.

other than that hmm there really isn't anything more I want. F-zero GX was cool but damn was it hard.. I couldn't even get past the first track in story mode or whatever that was!!!

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

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I've said this every time the question comes up, but definitely Star Fox. A proper one along the lines of the original and Star Fox 64.

No Star Fox?

i am disappoint.


I think F-Zero and Star Fox are the ones in most desperate need of attention. I still think of these as two of Nintendo's flagship franchises, even if new games are few are far between.

Star Fox, in my mind, has the greatest potential because its more of a blank slate. The series has seen on-rails shooters, action-adventure, and even a shooter-strategy hybrid. I know many fans want the series to return to its roots -- fast-paced, on-rails, sci-fi shooting -- but I believe it could be something much more. I'm thinking a cross between the ground missions and third-person shooting mechanics of Jet Force Gemini mixed with the open-ended air missions of arcade flight games like Rogue Squadron and Crimson Skies.


Edit: I know Assault embraced a lot of these ideas, but the execution was off.

JohannStrauss said:
No Star Fox?

i am disappoint.


Star Fox and F-Zero seems to be the obvious answers for everyone. For me it's Star Fox.

But srsly, if there is no reveal for atleast one of these two franchises, their is something seriously wrong with Nintendo.


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