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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Truly scary games



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Fatal Frame series
Silent Hill 2
Condemned because its great use of settings. I loved the store with moving men in Santa masks.

Games like a good horror film need to be played in the right setting. I play these games alone at night with my surround sound and lights off. It is the only way I will play these kind of games.
I know a couple people who say some of these games are not scary because they do not play like I do. I always tell them that there is no purpose of playing the game if you do not play it the right way.

Ok, could you elaborate? How do you play those games, and why does that make them scarier?

EDIT: O wait, should've read better... sorry about that. 

On passive/active horror... so far I still find movies a lot scarier than games, because of the lack of control. If the movie character moves terribly slowly towards a bathtub or anything, there's nothing you can do about it, while in games, you can always solve everything by playing well enough. And besides that, games always seem to allow 'breathing room' - as if they don't want to scare you too badly and just wanna freak you out from time to time. Movies often lack this 'breathing room', which makes them tantalisingly tense. Haven't played too many horror games though, even though I'd want to, so that might just be me.

For all these reasons, I think games should have more bad endings - I'd love to see the main character being killed in the end (ok that sounded really wrong).

I drink your milkshake.

I was just saying that is what I tell my friends about scary games. I really did not think there was any more need for elaboration. They usually play them with others during the day. After that they go and tell me that the game was not scary. That is what I meant. It is just like a horror movie where you will not get the right effect. I am a huge horror buff. imo that is the way I feel is the best to view those forms of media. There are no right or wrong ways.


The first time I've played Resident Evil 2, when hands of zombies blow through the walls in a narrow corridor, I really jumped from the couch, that was amazing.

I've got the touch!!

The common misconception here is that this is about moments. All horror games have some scary moments, but they are not frightening as a whole... That's what I'm looking for.

I drink your milkshake.

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^the original silent hill--from start to finish it just gets under your skin


The first and last levels of F.E.A.R. and very few parts in between. That little girl is a hellspawn for sure.

I've never played a game that scared me all the way through. I haven't ever played a Silent Hill game or a Fatal Frame game (although I really want to ). I love horror games, but since I only owned a Gamecube last-gen, they were hard to come by. Resident Evil 4 did have it's tense moments, and I actually turned off Eternal Darkness one time because I didn't want to keep being so scared.

When I was little, I couldn't play Myst for too long, because I would get scared. I also used to be really scared of Turok 2 on the N64, but after a while, I got over that fear.

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Ok you all persuaded me: I'm gonna check out Silent Hill as soon as I can (on the PC, I guess).
Silent Hill 1 is not on PC, but other parts are right?

I drink your milkshake.

^you can get an emulator to paly the original one on a pc--expet some crappy graphics as its a Ps1 game but in teh dark with sound turned on...eweweweweweeee gives me teh chills