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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz Greatest User Tournament 2013 - Stage 1 - Round 7



Bet with gooch_destroyer, he wins if FFX and FFX-2 will be at $40 each for the vita. I win if it dont

Sign up if you want to see God Eater 2 get localized!!

Around the Network

5p - Ser Pie
4p - Forest-Spirit
3p - APM
2p - moreno
1p - mmmfishtacos (Because you gave yourself 5p and went vote begging in the Vita thread)

morenoingrato said:

went vote begging in the Vita thread)

Is that stuff even allowed?  That would be like me asking for people to vote for me in XBO Nation or Pezus asking to vote for him in PS Nation.  That seems like an unfair way to get for sure votes.


morenoingrato said:

5p - Ser Pie
4p - Forest-Spirit
3p - APM
2p - moreno
1p - mmmfishtacos (Because you gave yourself 5p and went vote begging in the Vita thread)

First time I even stepped in one pf these. Didnt know the edict. Recast my vote.would have opted out if I didnt find this poat minutes later. :) 

5p - mmmfishtacos
4p- andrewspetmonkey
3p - nintypie
2p- morenoingrato
1p- forest spirit

Around the Network

5p- morenoingrato
4p- Andrespetmonkey
3p- Forest-Spirit
2p- mmmfishtacos


1p- Nintendopie

NintendoPie said:
bananaking21 said:

such a bad time to remove the cute avatar and put in a creepy one. but it seems you won this round easily, i suggest you put the cute back up on the next round though!

Don't jynx me, man. I'm not Meryl Streep here!

And by cute avatar you mean...? I've had many.

exactly! just put any one of those back xD

5p- NintendoPie
4p- morenoingrato
3p- mmmfishtacos
2p- Forest-Spirit
1p- Andrespetmonkey

5p- morenoingrato (Trusty co-host who covers for me when I'm too sick to even get to my computer)
4p- forest-spirit
3p- mmmfishtacos
2p- NintendoPie (Would have been higher if not absent for most of 2013)
1p- Andrespetmonkey (Would have been higher if not absent for most of 2013)

Signature goes here!

Andrespetmonkey said:

5p- morenoingrato
4p- Andrespetmonkey
3p- Forest-Spirit
2p- mmmfishtacos


1p- Nintendopie

What an ungrateful man!