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Forums - General Discussion - Toshiba to exit HD DVD, end format war-NHK

The PS3 was sacrified to allow this Victory.
Whatever, let's The TRUE fight begin :

BR (5% market share ?)


DVD (95%)

FIGHT !!!!!!!!

Time to Work !

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libellule said:
The PS3 was sacrified to allow this Victory.
Whatever, let's The TRUE fight begin :

BR (5% market share ?)


DVD (95%)

FIGHT !!!!!!!!

Dude, when will people learn this isn't a fight?  There is no DVD vs BR.  The whole industry wants another format and is going to push the consumers to adopt it.  DVD and BR will coexist and Sony and the studios will begin the push to encourage people to shift from DVD to BR and along the way buy new TVs, players, etc.

Now, if you're happy with DVD (I essentially am) you'll be able to stay on it for a long time, but make no mistake its days are now as numbered as when the big players decided DVD was the next move after VHS.


Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...


I consider DVD killed VHS
so I consider BR has to kill DVD now
and it is still not done for the moment ...

Time to Work !

Its about time... I wish this would have ended before I decided to by a bunch of HD HDVD players to replace my regular DVD players though. Oh well. Lucky I hedged on both sides of the war.

I wonder what they will do with the tech behind HD-DVD could someone like Nintendo who hates to pay license fees buy it from them to use in their next console?

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so now I want to see a decisive price drop for BluRay movies. The prices are ridiculous.

Congratulations Sony! You took the risk and sacrificed the good name of your PlayStation brand in order to win a colossal battle against Toshiba and the meta giant of GE's Universal Studios. Will it be worth it? It seems likely, but I would never have taken the chance myself.

Here's to an unusual strategy that seems to be working.

Its about time this ridiculous format war came to an close. I'm happy Blu-Ray won although I'll stick with DVD's for the foreseeable future. If this war had gone on much longer neither would've become mainstream. I still doubt Blu-Ray will but its got a much better chance now.



Kyros said:
so now I want to see a decisive price drop for BluRay movies. The prices are ridiculous.

Oh come on, $5.00 more than a DVD is not anywhere near ridiculous.


 2008 end of year predictions:

PS3: 22M

360: 25M

wii: 40M